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在全球化、標準化的現代社會,各城市鄉鎮之間的特殊性和風格分界逐漸模糊甚至消失。為了重新喚起城鄉意象,於旅行中食用的「鐵路便當」的功能和意義便是特別能散發出「在地個性」的一項文化指標。而臺灣鐵路行經各縣市多樣的風土民情,享用鐵路便當的同時,也是在享受旅途當下的文化氛圍。因鐵路便當主要在車站及車廂內販售,在旅途中食用鐵路便當,旅行的記憶和鐵路便當即產生緊密的連結。本研究從歷史文獻和現行的鐵路便當資料整理中,可看出鐵路便當和在地文化特產的結合是未來的趨勢,鐵路便當的符碼提升為兼具深層文化意涵、乘載在地特色的重要媒介;透過專家分類日本鐵路便當的特色,作為視覺和造型包裝設計及其他應用方式之參考。本研究深入分析宜蘭四大城鎮(礁溪、宜蘭、羅東、蘇澳)的文史資料和實地訪談,並輔以Kevin Lynch提出之環境意象分類原則,發展一套具體可行的「城鄉意象元素模型」,藉此取得該城鎮的具體及抽象意象,並應用在鐵路便當的包裝設計上。藉由綜合上述研究目標和方法,將抽象的城鄉意象應用於鐵路便當之視覺包裝設計,臺灣鐵路便當及其他在地文創商品之設計參考。
In contemporary society of globalization and standardization, the distinctiveness and the borderline of each city and rural areas have gradually blurred and even disappeared. To recall the images of urban cities and rural communities, the functions and meanings of railway meal box serve as one of the culture indications which can especially represent local characteristics. Taiwan Railway passes by cities and countries with respective customs and various cultures. While indulging in the meal box on the railway trip, people can actually immerse themselves into the cultural atmosphere along the way at the same time. Since railway meal boxes are mainly sold at train stations and from food trolleys on board, an intimate connection between the travel memories and railway meal box has been built. From literature reviews and documents about the latest railway meal box, it is found that combining railway meal box with local cultural characteristics is the future trend. The code that railway meal box embodied serves as a significant medium that involves profound cultural content as well as carrying regional features. Scholars’ analyses on Japanese Ekibens also provide important references for bringing up several visual and packaging designs and applications in the future. Following classifications of the city image by Kevin Lynch, the study aims to find the physical images of the four major cities and towns (Jiaoxi, Yilan, Lodong, Suao) in Yilan County through re-examining the literary and historical data in-depths and face-to face interviews. The study also strives to transcribe some practical cultural codes into interpretable images, and put the images into applications on railway meal box’s packaging designs. In sum, based on the research purposes and methods as mentioned above, this study is able to provide multiple potential visual designs on packaging and products’ appearance for railway meal box.



城鄉意象, 鐵路便當, 包裝設計, Image of City and Rural Area, Railway Meal Box, Packaging Design

