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「幸福」是人類生活中不可缺少的原動力,包含了高昂的正向情緒以及對整體生活感到滿意,而與生活息息相關且佔據我們大多數時間的「工作」,則是影響幸福感的因素之一。對現今企業而言,如何創造健康快樂的工作環境,以提升員工幸福感,讓員工在工作與生活上獲得滿意,進而願意致力於為組織達成績效,儼然已是一項重要課題。然而,影響員工幸福感的因素眾多,其中包含升遷、加薪、工作環境改善等與人力資源管理相關之措施,另外,過往研究亦顯示當員工對工作的敬業態度以及對組織的認同程度愈高時,其幸福感亦隨之增加。 因此,本研究旨在探討高績效人力資源管理實務、工作敬業、組織認同與員工幸福感之間的關聯性,並進一步以層級迴歸分析工作敬業與組織認同於高績效人力資源管理實務與員工幸福感間之中介關係。研究成果期望能提供國內居家修繕服務產業龍頭T公司在落實人力資源管理實務以及提升員工的工作敬業態度與組織認同感之參考,進而有助於增進員工的幸福感,並正向積極為組織創造績效,達成組織與員工雙贏。而本研究之對象為T公司之正職員工,採用抽樣方式以E-mail及委託人力發送問卷來蒐集實證資料,總計發出400份問卷,回收380份,有效問卷共371份,問卷有效率為92.75%。本研究結果發現分述如下: 1.高績效人力資源管理實務對工作敬業具有正向影響。 2.高績效人力資源管理實務對組織認同具有正向影響。 3.工作敬業對員工幸福感具有正向影響。 4.組織認同對員工幸福感具有正向影響。 5.高績效人力資源管理實務對員工幸福感具有正向影響。 6.工作敬業對高績效人力資源管理實務與員工幸福感具有部分中介 效果。 7.組織認同對高績效人力資源管理實務與員工幸福感具有部分中介 效果。
"Well-being", which includes high-positive emotions and overall life satisfaction, is an indispensable driving force to human life, and "work" is one of the factors affecting the well-being. For today's enterprises, it is important to create a healthy and happy work environment to enhance employee well-being, so employees get satisfaction in work and life and are willing to achieve the goal of the organization. However, there are many factors that affect employee well-being, which includes promotion, raise of the salary, working environment improvement and other HRM practices. In addition, previous researches showed that when an employee has high engagement and organizational identification, his/her well-being increases. The focus of this study is to investigate the correlation of the high-performance HRM practices, employee engagement, organizational identification, and employee well-being. Totally 400 questionnaires were sent to employees in Company T, 371 are effective, and the effective ratio of the questionnaires is 92.75%. The results of this study can be used as a reference for Company T in its implementation of HRM practices to enhance employee engagement and organizational identification, and thereby helps to enhance employee well-being and create positive performance for the organization. This study includes the following results: 1. The high-performance HRM practice has positive impact on employee engagement; 2. The high-performance HRM practice has positive impacts on organizational identification; 3. The employee engagement positively influences employee well-being; 4. The organizational identification positively influences employee well-being; 5. The high-performance HRM practice is positively related to employee well-being; 6. The employee engagement shows a small mediation effect on high-performance HRM practices and employee well-being; 7. The organizational identification shows a small mediation effect on high-performance HRM practices and employee well-being.



高績效人力資源管理實務, 工作敬業, 組織認同, 員工幸福感, high-performance HRM practices, employee engagement, organizational identification, employee well-being





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