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布雷根茨音樂節(Bregenzer Festspiele)作為世界上最偉大的裝置藝術與歌劇藝術結合代表,每年吸引將近二十萬名觀光客前來朝聖,驚人的創意與設計使音樂節成為城市品牌,也是最具特色的文化資產。近年來,全球各地皆以藝術節慶發展藝術觀光,文化藝術與觀光的結合扮演著重要的角色,觀光客在接觸文化的同時也體驗獨特的創意,而布雷根茨音樂節這樣極具創意的表演確實受到全球的矚目。本文旨在以布雷根茨音樂節來探討文化與城市的互動關係,以及分析台灣觀光客的文化消費,目的是想從中找出藝術觀光的價值和未來發展。 本研究方法以論述分析為主,其資料來源為歷史文獻、媒體報導文本及深度訪談,論文的重心有三:一、以「藝術文創化」的概念論述音樂節如何以舞台創意設計作為古典音樂的創意化,從舞台創意設計作為古典音樂的創意化與美學質地的維繫,以及藝術品味的維持和藝術與觀光間的平衡。二、以「藝術觀光」的概念來看布雷根茨如何用音樂節建構地景,強調藝術節與城市成為藝術文化觀光目的地的配套整合製作。三、以「文化消費實踐」的概念看台灣藝文觀光客對深度旅遊的實踐,藉由深度訪談探討觀光客對文化的追求和參訪實踐,也從音樂觀光團的旅遊中介者角色,分析套裝行程如何為觀光客營造真實性體驗。
Bregenz Festival is a great representative combination of the large installation art and opera art in the world. It attracts two hundred thousand travelers to visit each year. Amazing creation and design make the festival as a city brand and the most characteristic cultural property. Recently, various regions develop art tourism by art festival all over the world. To combine art and tourism plays a critical role. Tourists contact with cultures and also learn unique creation simultaneously. Creative performance of Bregenz Festival attracts worldwide attention certainly. The purpose of the study is discussing the interactive relation between culture and city. Also analyzing culture consumption of Taiwanese travelers. The goal is to search out the value of art tourism and the development of future. This study focuses on discourse analysis and the sources include historical literature, media reports and in-depth interviews. This paper attempts to discuss three dimensions. First, according to the concept of ‘culturalize and creativize of art’, how does the festival use the creative stage design as the creativity of classical music. It not only maintains the aesthetic but also the art taste. The most important is to reach the balance between art and tourism. Secondly, according to the concept of ‘Art tourism’, how does Bregenz use festival to construct a landscape? Also emphasizing the integration of art festival and the city to become a cultural destination. Thirdly, discuss the concept of ‘cultural consumption’, from Taiwanese tourists doing their tourist practices. Also, investigate the pursuit of cultures and practices by means of in-depth interview. The package tour of music tourism is an intermediary. From that point of view, analyzing the authenticity of tourist experiences that package tour provides.



布雷根茨音樂節, 藝術觀光, 城市地景, 文化消費實踐, 套裝行程, Bregenz Festival, Art tourism, city landscape, cultural consumption, package tour

