

近十幾年來,國內一些在國際上表現亮眼優異的男、女網球選手們,都是由爸爸從小一手調教所訓練出來的。網球運動屬於個人化項目,養成期很長,需從小開始培養訓練,選手長時間和爸爸朝夕相處,選手無論在技術或生、心理層面上都需仰賴教練從旁引導,因此爸爸教練的想法及觀念會影響到選手日後的發展。 本研究以質性的研究方法,透過以深度訪談方式,以敘說呈現爸爸教練整個心路歷程的訓練故事,從中了解爸爸教練對網球的狂熱、執著,一直追求於精緻的網球精神,在帶領子女選手過程中所面臨到的難題及瓶頸,能以堅定的心及意志,一一將它克服。本研究以三位爸爸教練為出發點,針對爸爸教練養成過程、在台灣網球訓練環境下的掙扎、教練領導行為、與子女選手關係、以及周遭他人的關係等,作為台灣地區網球爸爸教練文化的呈現,希望透過這樣的故事呈現,讓國內網壇的教練、協會與日後想從事爸爸教練的家長們了解,他們是代表台灣地區網球基層教練內心深層的感觸,心裡真正想法的一群基層人員,也是在台灣訓練環境惡劣下,夾縫中以求生存的教練鬥士。
For the past decade, both male and female tennis players with outstanding international performance are mostly coached by their father since childhood. While tennis is part of an individual type of sport, players’ technical, physical, and psychological aspects are depended heavily on the guidance of the coach. Therefore, the father coach’s thoughts and concepts will have an impact on the player’s development in the future. This research uses qualitative study through in depth interviews to narrate and present father coach’s whole course of training. It makes a thorough understanding of father coach’s infatuation and persistence toward tennis, and continuity in the pursuit of advancement. This study also discusses how the father coaches were determined to conquer obstacles or barriers while leading their children. Moreover, the research is based on three father coaches as a starting point to present the culture of tennis father coach in Taiwan, aiming at the formation of father coaches, the struggle against tennis training environment in Taiwan, the way of coaches’ leadership, and the relationship between father coaches and others including their children players. It is expected to demonstrate through such a story, allowing Taiwan national coaches and associations in the circle of tennis and future father coaches to have a better understanding. These stories represent tennis coaches at the primary level the innermost emotions, feelings, and thoughts. They are also the front line crusaders who battle firmly against the harsh training environment in Taiwan.



爸爸教練, 深度訪談, 生命故事, father coach, in depth interviews, life of story

