老師,您哪『位』?- 國中非考科教師專業認同之探究
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Teacher professionalism,teacher identity: how should I see myself ? Abstract Teacher professional identity is a conception of self as teacher. A professional mien of a teacher was put on his educational practice processes in which identity was shaped, changed and reshaped. It was caused by educational system, education policy, social awareness and understanding, school administration organization, course structure, different role in school, etc. I want to discuss about professional identity of teachers who teach subjects that aren’t examed in educational tests. How do non-academic subject teachers develop their educational practice in a strong structural system? However, non-academic subject teachers’ agency is established by current structural system. To answer these questions, a narrative inquiry was conducted by intensive interviewing five non-academic subject teachers in junior high (including the researcher) who have taught more than ten years. I want to provide a study through their important events and stories about their teaching life. After data collection, the researcher found that it’s very complex. At the end of the data collection, case studies of each of five non-academic subject teachers were constructed and analyses. Abundant data were collected from narratives described their stories as a teacher, and it showed the important meaning to be a professional teacher. This study interpreted the developing of professional identity in a reflexive way.
Teacher professionalism,teacher identity: how should I see myself ? Abstract Teacher professional identity is a conception of self as teacher. A professional mien of a teacher was put on his educational practice processes in which identity was shaped, changed and reshaped. It was caused by educational system, education policy, social awareness and understanding, school administration organization, course structure, different role in school, etc. I want to discuss about professional identity of teachers who teach subjects that aren’t examed in educational tests. How do non-academic subject teachers develop their educational practice in a strong structural system? However, non-academic subject teachers’ agency is established by current structural system. To answer these questions, a narrative inquiry was conducted by intensive interviewing five non-academic subject teachers in junior high (including the researcher) who have taught more than ten years. I want to provide a study through their important events and stories about their teaching life. After data collection, the researcher found that it’s very complex. At the end of the data collection, case studies of each of five non-academic subject teachers were constructed and analyses. Abundant data were collected from narratives described their stories as a teacher, and it showed the important meaning to be a professional teacher. This study interpreted the developing of professional identity in a reflexive way.
非考科教師, 專業認同, 身分認同, Non- academic subject teachers, professional identity, identity recognition