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本研究主要目的在探討胰島素治療及衛教對第2型糖尿病病人之糖尿病認知、胰島素治療態度及糖尿病治療滿意度之影響及短期效果。 研究對象為南部某醫學中心第2型糖尿病病人,共68位,實驗組37位,對照組31位,實驗組接受胰島素治療衛教及轉換胰島素治療,三個月追蹤,有6位退出研究,共62位完成前測及後測問卷。 本研究結果如下: 一、教育程度不同糖尿病治療認知有顯著差異,不識字顯著低於國小、國中、高中、專科/大學以上學歷,國小學歷糖尿病治療認知低於專科/大學以上學歷。 二、研究對象之糖尿病治療認知在預防糖尿病併發症及低血糖部分答對比率較高,關於胰島素的認知不足。 三、第2型糖尿病病人對於胰島素治療普遍存在對個人失敗的感受及對自我注射感到焦慮。大多數糖尿病人認為「使用胰島素,表示我的糖尿病已經變得更差」,其次認為「使用胰島素,表示著我用飲食及口服降血糖藥物來控制我的糖尿病已經失敗」和擔心「我怕用針注射我自己」,已婚者胰島素治療態度的心理阻抗較低。 四、胰島素治療與衛教能提升研究對象糖尿病治療知識,降低對胰島素治療負向態度,對疾病失敗、害怕打針、生活限制、及害怕低血糖負向態度明顯改觀。轉換胰島素治療後,糖尿病治療滿意度增加,認為現在糖尿病的治療比過去滿意,對自己糖尿病情況感到比過去滿意。 胰島素治療與衛教介入能降低負向胰島素治療態度,但提供胰島素治療相關衛教時,需瞭解個案的感受,接納個案的負向情緒及態度,減少胰島素的心理阻抗。
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the influence and short-term effects of the insulin treatment and health education on patients with type2 diabetes concerning their diabetes knowledge, attitudes of insulin treatment, and satisfaction degrees of diabetes treatment. The subjects were type 2 diabetic patients in a medical center in southern Taiwan, a total of 68, experimental group 37, control group 31. The experimental group received health education of insulin treatment and conversion to insulin treatment, with three months of tracking. There were six withdrawing from the study. A total of 62 completed pretest and posttest questionnaires. The results are as follows: 1. Patients of different education levels are significantly different on their awareness of diabetes treatment. Awareness of the illiteracy level is significantly lower than that of the elementary, junior high and senior high school, college / university and above education levels. Awareness of the elementary level is lower than that of the college / university and above education levels. 2. Regarding awareness of diabetes treatment, the subjects perform better in the part of prevention of diabetes complication and the hypoglycemia part, but show insufficient awareness of insulin. 3. For insulin treatment, type 2 diabetic patients show a common sense of self-failure and anxiety of self-injection. The majority of diabetic patients think that "the use of insulin indicates that my diabetes has become worse", and secondly that "the use of insulin indicates that control of my diabetes with diet and oral hypoglycemic agents has failed" and worry that "I fear injecting myself with a needle." Married people have lower psychological resistance to insulin treatment. 4. Insulin treatment and health education can improve knowledge of diabetes treatment of the subjects, and reduce their negative attitude toward insulin treatment with an obvious attitude change in their sense of failure, fear of injection, life limitation, and fear of hypoglycemia. After turning to the insulin therapy, the satisfaction degrees of diabetes treatment have been raised. The patients are more satisfied than they were in the past in their diabetes treatment and their individual condition. Insulin treatment and health education intervention can reduce the negative attitude toward insulin therapy. However, it is necessary to understand the patients’ feelings, accept their negative emotion and attitude, to reduce their psychological resistance against insulin therapy when providing related health education.



糖尿病, 胰島素, 治療滿意度, diabetes, insulin, treatment satisfaction

