
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討現階段桃園縣縣立國中學生之政治態度傾向,以期對國中學生之政治態度的學習有所裨益。本研究以桃園縣縣立國中學生研究對象,採隨機抽樣方式,抽取10所學校、30個班級,共830名國中學生為有效研究樣本;以問卷調查的方式探討「政治態度」(民主態度、公民責任感、政治功效感、政治信任感)之現況;檢定不同個人背景因素(性別、年級、每週收看新聞次數)、家庭背景因素(家庭社經地位、父母教養方式、家庭政治化)及學校因素(班級幹部經驗、社會科教師教學方式、班級氣氛及學校組織氣氛)在政治態度之差異;政治態度各面向之相關;個人背景、家庭背景及學校教育因素對政治態度的預測力。 研究者探討國內外相關研究之文獻,建立本研究的理論架構,並參考相關量表,改編成「國中學生政治態度量表」調查問卷做為研究工具,進行實證研究。調查所得資料分別採用次數分配表、描述性統計量、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、逐步多元迴歸分析等統計方法,進行各項檢驗。 本研究之主要發現如下: 一、現階段桃園縣國中學生之政治態度呈現積極、正向的反應。 二、現階段桃園縣國中學生之民主態度、公民責任感及政治功效意識傾向於積極、正向,而政治信任感偏低。 三、不同性別之政治態度並無顯著差異。 四、不同年級之國中學生,其政治態度有顯著差異。 五、不同幹部經驗之國中學生,其政治態度有顯著差異。 六、不同家庭社經地位之國中學生,其政治態度有顯著差異。 七、每週收看電視新聞次數不同之國中學生,其政治態度無顯著差異 八、不同父母教養方式之國中學生,其政治態度有顯著差異。 九、不同家庭政治化之國中學生,其政治態度有顯著差異。 十、不同社會科教師教學方式之國中學生,其政治態度有顯著差異。 十一、不同班級氣氛之國中學生,其政治態度有顯著差異。 十二、不同學校組織氣氛之國中學生,其政治態度有顯著差異。 十三、「民主態度」與「公民責任感」及「政治功效感」之間呈顯著正相關;「公民責任感」與「民主態度」及「政治功效感」呈顯著正相關;「政治功效感」與「民主態度」、「公民責任感」及「政治信任感」呈顯著正相關;「政治信任感」與「政治功效感」呈顯著正相關。 十四、「學校組織氣氛」、「年級」、「班級氣氛」、「家庭政治化」、「父母教養方式」、「社會科教師教學方式」及「幹部經驗」等七個變項,可共同解釋及預測桃園縣國中學生政治態度的總變異量為22. 1%。 根據以上結果,本研究提出如下建議,以供參考。 一、教育方面的建議:建立良好的學校組織氣氛;營造開放、民主的班級氣氛; 鼓勵學生擔任班級幹部,落實學生自治活動;運用多元化的教學方法,引導學生批判思考;提供低社經地位學生參與機會。 二、家庭方面的建議:以民主的方式教養子女;營造溫馨的家庭氣氛;加強家庭政治化功能。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe main purpose of this study was to investigate the political attitudes of junior high school students in Taoyuan County, hoping that this research could benefit the learning of political attitude of junior high school students. The subjects of this study were junior high school students of public schools in Taoyuan County, and random sampling was adopted in this research. The 830 junior high school students from 10 schools and 30 classes were sampled as effect. The questionnaire was applied to investigate recent political attitudes (including democratic attitude, the sense of citizen duty, the sense of political efficacy, as well as the sense of political trust); examine the differences in political attitude from differing backgrounds including the factors of personal (gender, age, and frequency of watching news per week), family(family’s socio-economic status, parenting styles, and the degree of family politicalsocialization), and school(staff experience, teaching styles of teachers of social studies, classroom climate, and school organizational climate); scrutinize relationships among each aspects of political attitudes; and if differing personal, family, and school background factors showed significant predictive power on the political attitudes. The questionnaire was constructed with reference to a review of related literature and was developed by the researcher. The data were analyzed by frequency distribution, descriptive statistics analysis, independent-samples t-test, one-way ANOVA , Pearson product-moment correlation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The main findings of this research were as follows: 1. The political attitudes of junior high school students in Taoyuan County were positive. 2. The democratic attitude, the sense of citizen duty, and the sense of political efficacy were positive. The sense of political trust was less positive. 3. There was no significant difference on the political attitudes of students between different genders. 4.There was a significant difference on the political attitudes of students between different grage. 5.There was a significant difference on the political attitudes of students between different staff experiences. 6. There was a significant difference on the political attitudes of students between different family’s socio-economic status. 7. There was no significant difference on the political attitudes of students between different frequency of watching news per week. 8. There was a significant difference on the political attitudes of students between different parenting styles. 9. There was a significant difference on the political attitudes of students between different family politicalization. 10. There was a significant difference on the political attitudes of students between different teaching styles of teachers of social studies. 11. There was a significant difference on the political attitudes of students between different school organizational climates. 12. There was a significant difference on the political attitudes of students between different classroom climates. 13. There was a significant positive relationship among the democratic attitude, the sense of citizen duty, and the sense of political efficacy; a significant positive relationship among the sense of citizen duty, democratic attitude, and the sense of political efficacy; a significant positive relationship among the sense of political efficacy, democratical attitude, the sense of citizen duty, and political trust. As for the relationship between the sense of political trust and the sense of political efficacy was significantly positive. 14. The variables of school organizational climate, grade, classroom climate, family politicalization, parenting style, teaching style of teacher of social studies, and staff experience could predicate 22.1% political attitudes of junior high school students in Taoyuan County. Based on the findings above in this study, some suggestions are provided for research: 1.In the aspect of education: (1)Create better school organizational climate. (2)Foster open and democratic classroom climate. (3)Encourage students to take class leaders, and put student autonomy into effect. (4)Apply multiple teaching methods, and guide students to think critically. (5) Provide opportunities for students of low socio-economic status to participate. 2. In the aspect of family: (1)Raise children in a democratic way and foster warm family atmosphere. (2)Reinforce the function of family politicalization.en_US
dc.subjectPolitical Socializationen_US
dc.subjectPolitical Attitudesen_US
dc.subjectDemocratic attitudeen_US
dc.subjectSense of citizen dutyen_US
dc.subjectSense of political efficacyen_US
dc.subjectSense of political trusten_US


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