

交響樂團源自於西方,經過流傳現已成為台灣在地的文化產物。政府基於公共任務的職責,為落實音樂教育、提升生活素養,成立公立交響樂團。經過時代的變遷及社會需求的轉變,公立交響樂團在社會上的存在定位與價值實有必要再次重新檢討。台灣政府目前積極推動組織改革,對於公立文教機構更是要求以行政法人制度規劃設置條例,甚至在行政法人法草案尚未通過之前,即有國立中正文化中心以行政法人制度營運。由於行政法人在台灣仍是新設之政府組織,政黨朝野之間各方意見不同,專家學者亦持不同看法。而政府欲藉由行政法人縮減預算支出,其直接影響原公務人員之福利保障、單位的財務及營運方式,以及行政法人後各公立文教機構是否依然能確實執行政府交付的公共任務等,皆是台灣目前推動行政法人所面臨的問題及探討的議題。 筆者自2000年進入政府單位,在台北市立交響樂團服務已有數年,對於公務體系的運作方式及交響樂團專業行政有所瞭解。故本研究藉由筆者本身任職之優勢,以樂團資料及經驗,加上對公立交響樂團的責任及營運說明,以及對行政法人制度的討論,綜合分析出行政法人對公立交響樂團的可能性影響。
The public symphony orchestra came from the west, after the transition of the era and conversion of the trend of the society, has became the local culture in Taiwan. However, as the public symphony orchestra will expend the huge budget from the government, its value and the orientation for the society should be evaluated. The cultural and educational organizations, such as the public symphony orchestras in Taiwan have been required to be put on the priority list of the Organizational Reform by the Executive Yuan since 2002. The Administrative Incorporation which formed in the British and followed by the Japan government is the new institution the Taiwan government trying to form up at the present stage. However, as the National Chiang Kai Shek Cultural Center has executed this institution exclusively before the draft Administrative Incorporation Law is passed in the Legislative Yuan in Taiwan, the experts and scholars highly suspect the result which will occur in the future, especially the political situation is messy between the different political parties. Besides, whether the Administrative Incorporation will affect the welfare of employees, the civil service, the finance of the orchestras and the operations, are the issues which the thesis would discuss. The author has been working in the Taipei Symphony Orchestra since 2000. With the author’s experience and the materials, data, and the information which the author acquires enrich the thesis on the discussion of the formation, personnel system, accounting and purchasing system, supervised and evaluated system, as well as the orchestra business before and after the Administrative Incorporation. At the end of the thesis, the author will make her conclusion according to the synthetic evaluation analyzed to the impact of the Administrative Incorporation on the public symphony orchestra in Taiwan.



台灣, 交響樂團, 行政法人, Taiwan, public symphony orchestra, administrative incorporation

