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電影於華語文化教學已開始起步,很多大學都開設了華語電影之相關課程,但教師們的課程規劃各有不同,沒有固定的準則,通常只以華語電影單方面被動輸入中國文化而缺少了與學習者母語文化的對比性。本研究採用跨文化理論中的比較分析法,藉由中西兩部相同議題的電影,比較出不同文化對同一議題所呈現出價值觀與文化思維的差異。 研究主題為「死亡」文化,「死亡」與出生、成年、結婚等都是全世界共通的文化,也一直是華人所避諱的議題,鮮少成為文化教學的主題,但這卻是人們必經的歷程。此外與「死亡」的相關儀式亦都展現出許多華人的文化脈絡,是一個豐富的文化議題,但怎麼教才適切?本研究發現電影是很合適的教學媒介,不但能具體呈現「死亡」這個抽象的概念,也能從電影情節與臺詞中反映出不同文化模式。 教學電影則以臺灣的《父後七日》與美國《愛在頭七天》為「死亡」議題的代表文本。《父後七日》以黑色幽默的方式表現出臺灣喪葬文化的繁文縟節、為死者死後旅程所舉行的眾多儀式等,這些傳統「規矩」,導致追憶死者、情感表現都受到限制;而《愛在頭七天》則以較輕鬆的美式幽默呈現,影片中以猶太教服喪七日為主軸,記錄著這七天裡家庭不斷發生的衝突與爭吵,而當服喪落幕後,各自找回家的定義與父親的兒時回憶。 本研究審視了運用電影於華語教學的相關文獻與諸位教師的課程安排,並整理規劃出一套華語電影的教學模式。教學主題更突破華人對於「死亡」主題的禁忌與跨越以往文化課程以物質文化為主軸的既定框架,以電影為載體,將華語文化課程提升至深層文化與價值觀等範籌。擬以影視相關理論與跨文化理論分析電影文本,作為教案編寫的依據,對於中西電影中死亡文化的探究頗為深刻,藉由跨文化比較之後,兩者文化差異亦更為鮮明。 最後則將文本分析所得之結論運用於課程規劃之中,針對歐美文化背景之成人學生進行跨文化課程的教案編寫。冀望本研究的分析結果與教案設計能提供華語教師及研究人員作為未來課程安排與學術研究的參考指標。
Teaching Chinese culture through Chinese films has been gaining more and more attention. Many universities have set up Chinese film courses in recent years; however, teachers' teaching methods vary. There is no fixed teaching guideline for using films in Chinese language and culture teaching. Teachers often use Chinese films to teach Chinese culture while neglecting the comparison between students’ cultures and Chinese culture. With the limited studies on 'film assisted teaching and learning' in the field of Chinese language pedagogy, even fewer researches focused on 'intangible culture’. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to compare Chinese culture to learners’ culture through the introduction of two films with the same theme and to figure out what the differences in values ​​and cultural thinking modes in both western and eastern societies, for example the concept of death, the image of father, the communication differences in high context culture and low context culture. Death is the commonly shared topic in all cultures around the world. Death is not only a taboo but also an important event for the Chinese. Through the introduction of Chinese films, learners discover the traditional funeral ceremony and the culture hidden within. The use of Chinese films in culture teaching is a useful way for teachers to present abstract culture in concrete way with visul aid. This study focuses on a Taiwanese film, 7 Days in Heaven, and the American film, This Is Where I Leave You as two major teaching materials. At first, the two movies are analyzed with the cine-analysis theories. After the analysis of the films, a furthur lesson plan is designed using ASSURE teaching mode. The targeted learners are adult students from Europe and America with language ability of CEFR B2 level in Chinese. The entire course includes six lessons, and every lesson is 55 minutes long. The results obtained from this study and the lesson plans might serve as basic guidelines for Chinese teachers and researchers.



華語教學, 跨文化教學, 影視教學, 教學設計, 死亡與喪葬文化, Teaching Chinese as second language, Intercultural teaching, Video teaching, Teaching design, Death and funeral culture

