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本研究旬在探討臺北市與新北市國中體育教師對於實施融合式體育的看法及實施上所遇到的困境,分析不同背景變相的體育教師在融合式體育看法的差異性。研究方式採問卷調查法,以自編的「國中體育教師對融合式體育實施現況與相關問題之研究調查問卷」為調查工具,以臺北市與新北市公立國中體育教師為研究對象。所得的資料以描述統計、 t檢定、單因子變異數分析及雪費事後比較法加以處理,獲致研究結果如下: 一、臺北市與新北市現階段僅有80%知道融合式體育,而其中絕大多數體育教 師對融合式體育還處於初步接觸階段。 二、臺北市與新北市在身心障礙學生的教學上最缺乏教具、器材及設備,其次 為缺乏專業人員或熟悉該生狀況的人員於上體育課時,在旁協助。 三、臺北市與新北市五成的體育教師認為在教學知能與處理身心障礙學生的特 殊狀況能力不足。 四、臺北市與新北市有超過6成體育教師對於「減少收有身心障礙學生之普通 班的班級人數」、「辦理有關融合教育的教師研習活動」實施政策表示肯 定。
The primary purpose of the study was to explore teachers’ perspectives, variances of which based on their background, and challenges confronted while implementing inclusive physical education both in Taipei and Xinbei cities. The instrument is the self-developed “Questionnaire of Status and Problems Involved in the Practice of Inclusive Physical Education by Junior High School Teachers.” Participants consisted of physical education teachers in public junior high schools in both cities. Descriptive statistics, Student’s t, and ANOVA with Scheffé were employed to process the obtained data. Conclusions based on the above were as follows: 1.Only 80% of participants were aware of inclusive physical education, of whom the majority were in the preliminary stage. 2.Among the most needed in education for special needs students were teaching aides, material and devices, followed by professionals and paraprofessionals. 3.Approximately 50% of physical education teachers revealed the need for expertise in special education instruction and behavior management involved in students with disabilities. 4.Over 60% of participants positively responded to the following two items: “A decease of special needs student number in the regular class”, and “An offer of teacher training programs in inclusive education”.



融合式體育, 身心障礙學生, 國民中學





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