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Department of English, NTNU
Department of English, NTNU
本研究旨在探討雙語與單語辭典對第二語言字彙習得之影響。文獻中對於雙語及單語辭典用法在英語教學中之研究至今仍明顯不足。因此,本文藉由不同研究方法之組合,分別採集質化與量化的資料,調查大學生英語字彙學習之成效與辭典用法之間的相對應關係。樣本資料包括以BNC 語料庫常用字為主的前測與後測、問卷調查、以及半結構式之訪談。此研究結果顯示,單語辭典之使用法對於學生的英語字彙習得,學習興趣,自信心,以及學習態度有舉足輕重的地位。諸多的語言學習因素像是外語意識以及詞彙發展都藉由單語辭典能更有效且真實的增進學生英語字彙之習得。本文同時也提出教學建議,使教師能設計更有效的字彙學習教案。藉由此研究之理論及教育意涵,教師對於雙語及單語辭典在英語教學上的運用能更有效的發揮。
The purpose of this study is to explore how English language learners’(ELLs) consultation of monolingual and bilingual dictionaries could influence their second language (L2) vocabulary acquisition. Although research has empirically indicated that dictionary use could possibly affect learners’ second language acquisition (SLA) in various ways, inconclusive results can still be found pertaining to ELLs’ L2 vocabulary acquisition based on their dictionary use. In order to bridge this gap, sixty-four ELLs were recruited and divided into two groups for this experimental study. Through both quantitative and qualitative analyses, the researcher examined how the consultation of monolingual and bilingual dictionaries could influence L2 lexical teaching and learning utilizing a 13,944-word lemmatized High Frequency Word List (HFWL) from the British National Corpus (BNC). The findings suggest that the consultation of monolingual dictionaries promoted students’ L2 vocabulary acquisition, learning interest, confidence and positive attitude more effectively than that of bilingual dictionaries. Learners were also revealed to be cognizant of the salience of L2 exposure that monolingual dictionaries possess for reifying their L2 awareness and lexical development in an authentic fashion. Based on the outcomes yielded from this investigation, pedagogical and theoretical implications are discussed.
The purpose of this study is to explore how English language learners’(ELLs) consultation of monolingual and bilingual dictionaries could influence their second language (L2) vocabulary acquisition. Although research has empirically indicated that dictionary use could possibly affect learners’ second language acquisition (SLA) in various ways, inconclusive results can still be found pertaining to ELLs’ L2 vocabulary acquisition based on their dictionary use. In order to bridge this gap, sixty-four ELLs were recruited and divided into two groups for this experimental study. Through both quantitative and qualitative analyses, the researcher examined how the consultation of monolingual and bilingual dictionaries could influence L2 lexical teaching and learning utilizing a 13,944-word lemmatized High Frequency Word List (HFWL) from the British National Corpus (BNC). The findings suggest that the consultation of monolingual dictionaries promoted students’ L2 vocabulary acquisition, learning interest, confidence and positive attitude more effectively than that of bilingual dictionaries. Learners were also revealed to be cognizant of the salience of L2 exposure that monolingual dictionaries possess for reifying their L2 awareness and lexical development in an authentic fashion. Based on the outcomes yielded from this investigation, pedagogical and theoretical implications are discussed.