

本研究採縱貫設計探討個人背景變項、身體意象、運動社會心理對規律運動行為的影響。以九十五學年度就讀於臺北市某兩所國中的八年級學生為對象,自每校隨機各抽3班計208名連續兩年以結構問卷、團體填答方式蒐集資料,兩年均接受調查的有效樣本問卷為185份,回收率88.94%。資料以邏輯式迴歸方法進行分析,重要發現如下: 一、研究對象八年級時從事規律運動行為的比率有63.8%,九年級時從事規律運動比率約有58.4%,其中男生規律運動比率高於女生。 二、研究對象八年級時七層面身體意象為中間偏正向的情形,又以健康適應得分最高,外表評價得分最低。研究對象最滿意的部分為頭髮與肌肉彈性,最不滿意的部分為身高與體重。 三、研究對象八年級時具有中等偏高的知覺運動利益和運動享樂感;中等程度的知覺運動障礙;中等偏低的運動自我效能和運動社會支持。 四、研究對象八年級的規律運動行為、外表評價、體能評價、運動自我效能、同儕運動社會支持對九年級規律運動行為具影響力。 根據研究結果,建議透過課程和活動,盡早培養規律運動行為,建立正確身體意象,並強化運動社會支持,以提升學生規律運動行為。
This study investigated the influence of individual variables, body image, and psychosocial factors on regular exercise behavior using a longitudinal design. Two hundred and eight grade 8 students of 6 classes in 2 Taipei middle schools were randomly selected. In two consecutive years, 185 valid samples provided valid data with a self-administered questionnaire. Data were analyzed with logistic regression. Overall, the results indicated that: 1、63.8% of the subjects did regular exercise when they were eighth graders. 58.4% of the subjects did regular exercise when they were ninth graders. Male’s regular exercise rate was higher then female’s. 2、The levels of seven dimensions of body image were positive. Among these seven dimensions, health orientation was the highest, and appearance evaluation was the lowest. 3、The perceived benefits for exercise and sport enjoyment were high. The perceived barriers for exercise were in average level but self-efficacy and social support for exercise were low. 4、Past exercise behavior, appearance evaluation, physical evaluation, self-efficacy, and peer support would influence regular exercise behavior of the ninth graders. It was suggested that develop regular exercise behavior in an early age, establish positive body image and social support for exercise to promote regular exercise behavior of middle school students.



國中生, 身體意象, 運動社會心理, 規律運動行為, 縱貫性研究, Middle school students, body image, psychosocial factors, regular exercise behavior, longitudinal study





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