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  以往擔任體育班的導師多是以具備體育相關背景或是體育教師來擔任,然而如今,體育班逐年增加,有些學校會將體育班作為學校的特色之一,且擔任體育班導師的教師,並非都具備體育背景的情況下,初任體育班導師者會經歷怎樣的再社會化過程來形塑自身角色的定位,此即為本研究的焦點。   本研究運用教室現場觀察與深度訪談的方式,以一名初任體育班導師為研究對象,企圖透過該名不具備體育相關背景教師的再社會化歷程,來了解學科教師初任體育班導師會面對到的困境與相關的因應方式。根據資料分析,歸納出以下研究結論:   一、因應策略的運用與體育班導師對事件熟悉度和發揮的影響力有關,而有首要策略、積極策略、消極策略的區分。   二、體育班導師在再社會化的過程中,結構面主要是受到學校制度的影響;而微觀層面主要是受到家長的態度以及與教練間的關係影響。   三、體育班導師的身分認同在班級經營方面以及學科專業方面面臨困境,前者是管教權被教練瓜分,後者是學科專業不被重視。   四、體育班導師會運用影響和保護的策略來管理班級,前者是為了改變學生舉止,後者是為了維護自身權益。
In the past, most athletic class homeroom teachers had sports background. Nowadays, athletic classes have increased year by year. Some schools use athletic classes as one of the characteristics of the school, and teachers who are instructors of athletic classes don’t have any sports background. To this kind of teachers, they experience what kind of resocialization to reshape their roles is the focus of this study. This study applied participant observations and interviews to collect the data. By the resocialization of an athletic class homeroom teacher who doesn’t have any sports background, realize what difficulties and related strategies she met. According to data analysis, the following conclusions are summarized: 1. The use of strategies is responded to athletic class homeroom teachers on the familiarity and influence of the incident, and there is a distinction between the first strategy, positive strategy, and negative strategy. 2. In the process of resocialization, the athletic class homeroom teachers are mainly affected by the school system; while the micro level is mainly influenced by the attitude of parents and the relationship with coaches. 3. The identity of athletic class homeroom teachers faces difficulties in class management as well as in disciplines. The former is divided by the coaching authority and the latter is not valued in the athletic class. 4. The athletic class homeroom teachers will use the strategies of influence and protection to manage the class. The former is to change the behavior of students, and the latter is to protect their own rights and interests.



國中體育班, 導師, 再社會化, athletic class of junior high school, homeroom teacher, resocialization

