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人才培育及學用落差的課題,近年來受到產官學界高度的重視,它不僅是政治方 案,也是一種文化政策,與整體社會息息相關。然而,根據各年度《學校體育統計年報》 的調查指出,國民小學有八成以上比例的體育教師係屬非體育相關科系畢業者,基此, 如何使體育教師得以專業發展,成為政府當前之要務。臺灣體育師資養成之研究,多半 著重於體育專業人才的培育,但是,從其歷史發展的脈絡來看,透過檢定、登記、甄選、 訓練及講習等速成方式,取得體育教師過程之研究,其相關文獻和研究成果,卻是闕漏。 面對這項人才培育的重大議題,以及發生的學用落差現象,本研究採歷史研究法,輔以 比較研究法及統計數據,以究明臺灣百年來透過徵選、登記、甄選、講習和檢定,進而 擔任體育教師的歷史展開過程,並理解學用落差現象。本研究以三年為期,研究起點自 日本治臺之初開始,以教育政策為經線,體育人才養成的時空發展過程為緯線,相互交 織,並按照時序展現和勾勒百年來臺灣體育師資養成的另一重要面向,為整體體育師資 培育建構出完整的架構,亦對人才培育之學用落差等現象提出意見。
The difference between training and practice has been taken seriously. It is not only a politic plan but also a cultural policy. It is related to the whole society closely. However, according to “ The Annual Report on Physical Education Statistics”, 80% of elementary school PE teachers are not graduated with a PE degree. Therefore, how to help PE teachers develop their PE specialties is urgent. The researches and studies of Taiwan PE teachers formation mostly center on training personnel. But researches of how the teachers gain their teacher’s licenses through examination, register, training, selection, and lecturing is short. This research takes Historical Research Method to look at training personnel and the phenomenon of the difference between training and practice. Comparison Research Method and statistics are also used to assist this research to illustrate how Taiwanese PE teachers were assigned as PE teachers by selection, register, examination, training and lecturing and to understand the phenomenon of difference between training and practice. The start of this research is from the very beginning of Japan ruling in Taiwan. This research confers the first 3 years to see the cross of education policy and PE personnel formation and to show the other important direction of Taiwan PE teachers formation. It form a complete skeleton of PE teachers training. This research also proposes suggestions to the difference between training and practice.



