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本研究旨在探討高中女學生如何看待校園學生自治參與經驗,並藉此檢視女學生對於學生自治與性別議題的看法,以及這些經驗與看法如何影響女學生的回應,並進一步探究女學生參與前後自身的行動。故本研究從學生自治角度出發,先以各層級法規角度檢視現行制度實行狀況,再鎖定北部三間高中公立男女合校,以六位參與過學生自治組織的女學生為訪談對象,藉由半結構式深入訪談法深度理解女學生於校園中如何經歷學生自治活動經驗。  研究結果發現:現行學生自治相關規範,雖然保障學生自治的正當性、降低參與限制及促進學生參與,但部分學校對學生會長的參選資格仍設有限制。至於校園中的學生自治文化,因參與學生和校方權力的複雜互動,加上一般學生缺乏效能感和對於學生會的認同不足,使得整體學生自治參與低落,而構成對學生自治組織支持度不足的校園自治環境。另外,由教師和同學形成的校園性別互動文化,再製了傳統二元對立的性別氣質,而學生自治組織職務性別化、成員組織性別化、學長姊制傳統所形成的學生會性別體制,意外對於女學生參選學生會長形成鼓勵促進的效果。  女學生針對上述文化衍生、阻礙學生自治事務推行之困難,採取了適應性的回應模式。此外,女學生多表示性別體制對於學生自治沒有影響,然而其言談中對於性別體制的感受與認知存在矛盾。  最後,女學生在參與學生自治後皆表示有收穫與啟發,更關注學校行動和學生權益,與此同時,亦體驗到會議中無力感與充實增能並存的複雜感受。但儘管如此,大部分女學生對未來是否繼續參與學生自治,似乎持保留態度。
This research aims to explore how high school female students view their experience of participating in student council’s activities. By this process, the researcher examined these students’ perspectives on student council and gender issues, and how these perspectives influence their responses and action.To achieve these research objectives, the researcher started from reviewing the implementation of student council, then interviewed six female students from three different public coeducation high schools in the Northern Taiwan. The researcher used guided interview to understand these students’ experience of participating in student council activities.The research found out that although the new amendment to the regulation of student council ensures the legitimacy of student council and lowers the participating threshold, some schools still set the specific qualifications of student council candidates. As for the participation of student council, the power inequality between students and school faculty, the low efficacy of students, the lack of the sense of identity toward student council all lead to a low percentage of participating in school council. These factors contribute to the low supportive system for student council in school. Besides, the culture of gender interaction in school which formed by students and school faculty, reproducing traditional gender expression dualism. However, the student council’s gender system which formed by gendered positions, gendered organization, and the “senpai” traditional culture surprisingly encourage female students to run for student council president.Through the interviews, the researcher observed the following similarities within the interviewees:1. Most of the interviewees normally adapted the above-mentioned difficulties.2. Most of the interviewees stated that they do not consider the gender system would affect the implementation of student council; however, the contradiction of feelings and recognitions toward the gender system was expressed in their interviews.3. The interviewees indicated that they were all inspired and rewarded with fruitful experience from participating in student council activities.4. The interviewees generally felt the sense of powerlessness and empowerment while they were participating in meetings of student council.Though the interviewees have started caring students’ rights in school, they still hold a reserved attitude toward their future participation.



校園民主, 公民參與, 學生自治, 女學生, 性別, 女性參政, democratic campus, civic participation, student council, female students, gender, women's suffrage





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