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森林療癒是運用在地的森林資源、搭配森林活動與森林嚮導的規劃來增進人們的身心健康,達到預防性醫學的效果。目前在日本、德國、韓國、中國等都已建置了森林療癒基地,但目前國內對森林療癒基地研究較缺乏,因此本研究想探討台灣私有林是否適合作為森林療癒基地,並提出適合台灣私有林的森林療癒基地指標。 本研究先透過模糊德爾菲法尋找出適合台灣私有林的森林療癒基地評估指標,後運用層級分析法(AHP)進行專業的評估取得各項指標的權重,找出適合的森林療癒基地指標,並於新竹縣北埔鄉永茂森林、五峰鄉桃山村浮雲杉林、五峰鄉大隘村正昌製材公司第七林班地三地舉辦森林療癒體驗活動,邀請專家與參訪者協助評估森林療癒基地及療癒活動。評估結果發現三處場域在「優美的景觀及良好的環境」指標中分數均是最高,在「有森林療癒指導員的配置」及「人才培訓及增能制度明確」指標部分評分較低,後運用SWOT分析私有林森林療癒基地本身的優劣勢及外在的機會與威脅,最後提出策略規劃建議。
Forest therapy is the application of local forest resources, forest activities and forest guides to enhance people's physical and mental health in order to achieve the function of preventive medicine. So far, forest therapy bases have been established in many countries in the world. However, there is a lack of research on forest therapy in Taiwan, especially for private forest. Therefore, this study aims to explore suitable indicators to evaluate whether Taiwan's private forests are suitable as forest therapy bases. Therefore, this study aims to apply the private forests in Hsinchu County as planning bases, including Yongmao Forest in Beipu Township, Floating Cloud Spruce Forest and No. 7 Zhengchang Sawing Company Forest in Wufeng Township. We will analyze their natural environment, management organization, humanities conditions, and local characteristics. Through the Fuzzy Delphi Method based on 17 expert questionnaires, this study provides 16 indicators for evaluating private forest therapy bases in Taiwan. Moreover, we apply the method of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to obtain the weight of each indicator, and to conduct consistency analysis. Using SWOT to analyze the internal strengths and weaknesses of the three bases, as well as external opportunities and threats. Through this analysis processes, we try to provide the planning standard for private forest therapy, including field planning, activity planning, and operation guidelines.



森林療癒, 德爾菲法, 層級分析法, Forest Therapy, Delphi, AHP





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