音樂意象的影像建構 ─ 以反映社會現象的音樂錄影帶創作為例

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本論文旨在透過音樂錄影帶創作實踐「音樂意象的影像建構」,並藉由各研究環節深入探討音樂意象與影像建構之間的關係與作用。因此,研究者首先從文獻探討中,尋求音樂意象的運作機制、及影像建構的思考脈絡。接續,藉由案例分析進一步觀察音樂意象的建構手法,並從中發現影像建構具有引導觀眾意識與加乘作用。最後,研究者經由創作實踐的過程與結果,逐一針對音樂意象與影像建構等思考與發現,進行檢視與檢討。 研究結果發現,影像能夠強化觀者的感知,並促使音樂意象與影像建構兩者的結合產生加乘作用。同時,影像的建構也能影響觀者的想法,具有引導意識之作用。因此影像建構同時也具有引導意識的作用。本研究經由案例分析啟發「反映社會現象」之題材,藉由《向前行》一曲即發想出透過記錄形式觀察,呈現台北現今存在的社會問題與現狀,反映出什麼都漲的時代下,繁華的台北卻存在許多貧窮百姓的社會現象。在音樂錄影帶裡,研究者透過繁華的台北、貧窮的人民等影像建構,引導觀者正視現今存在的社會問題,並產生省思。
The purpose of study is practicing with “Image Construction of Music Imagery ” through music videos. It deeply studied the relation and effect between Music Imagery and Image Construction with kinds of researches. First of all, the study found the working system of Music Imagery and thinking ideas of Image Construction through documentary analysis. Furthermore, it further observed with the construction mechanism of Music Imagery through cases studies. Then, it found that image construction has synergy effect of guiding audiences’ conscious. Eventually, the study surveyed the thinking and discovering in connection with Music Imagery and Image Construction through the outcome of creating practice. The study found that Image could not only strength the viewer’s sense, but influence the viewer’s thinking. It made the synergy effect between music imagery and image construction. As a result, Image Construction also had conscious guiding effect. The study conferred the subject of social reflection phenomenon through case studies. “Go Forward” reflected the social problem and the present situation in Taipei with observation record. It reflected there were still many poor people in flourishing Taipei under high price era. In the Music Video, the study guided the audience faced and introspected with the present social problem with the image construction between flourishing Taipei and poor people.



音樂意象, 影像, 影像建構, 音樂錄影帶, Music Imagery, Image, Image Construction, Music Video

