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科技環境的快速變遷,使得傳播媒介不受限於傳統型態。在媒體科技與數位創新的發展下,數位策展成為新興的傳播趨勢,且日益普及應用於多領域的範疇間。科技的進步促使數位策展從實體延伸至虛擬,在現今多元化、互動化的發展形式下,遊戲化概念的導入有助於提升人類對於娛樂的需求,藉以提升趣味性也是現今重要的發展面向。近年來參觀展覽的目的,已從充實知識的教育層面轉變為觀光休閒為重的娛樂層面。在全球數位匯流影響與數位科技的發展進步下,將數位科技結合在展覽上、體驗與娛樂的概念設計到展覽策劃上,為歷史文化推廣領域邁向了新的發展階段。國內歷史文物展推廣上以遊戲化導入數位策展觀點的現狀與未來發展,如何適性地於應用國內,為目前歷史文化領域推廣之重要趨向,需要進行相關資料整理與釐清。故本研究以遊戲化概念導入之數位策展為核心,欲從中探討遊戲化概念於數位策展應用之內涵與關鍵因素與特性進行相關整理與研究。 2014年由國內某歷史文物推廣典藏機構策劃所策劃的「某國書個案」,將歷史文物推廣以實體策展與數位策展相互結合,運用科技互動的方式增加策展對象的親身體驗,也將遊戲化的概念融入在歷史文物推廣上,有助提升在傳遞知識上的趣味性。「某國書個案」為歷史文物的推廣上帶來創新的應用,將遊戲的元素應用到數位策展上,讓具教育性的歷史知識性的內容能以淺顯易懂且娛樂性的方式學習,數位策展擴充了實體策展本身內容的豐富性,也讓數位策展與實體策展所相互交織的策展活動得以實踐,藉以達成虛實整合相互應用之策略。提升使用者的參與感,除了突破傳統參觀上限制,也讓學習產生更多可能性。 遊戲化和數位策展概念為新興領域的研究議題,在歷史文物推廣應用上屬於初步萌芽的階段,因此,本研究規劃質性研究策略中的深度訪談法,訪談對象含括個案執行相關人員與策展領域之專家進行資料蒐集,並統整與分析研究結果,從而推導出研究結論與建議,也藉由相關遊戲化概念導入數位策展於歷史文物推廣的應用案例進行深入討論與分析,試圖歸納出相關推廣的發展重點與實施方針,以作為研究結論與建議,期許能作為後續研究之基礎與提供未來歷史文物推廣領域後續相關研究的參考。
As the ever-changing technologies play in every facet of human communication, in particular the interactions between communication and technology as well as their social impact. Digital curation has been widely applied in many domains in the digital environment which increase curatorial object’s experience by using technology. Digital curation not only experiments on all kinds of digital technology as the medium for their new display to promote historical artifact but also designs of gamification concept to enhance the fun in the life which will be an important development domain. People who attend the exhibition are no longer just focus on the museum inside collections, research, exhibition and education. Historical artifact promotion develop also increasingly tend to diversity, and begin combining the digital technology as the medium for their new display. In 2014, the Great Qing Empire Manchurian Language conbined with curation and digital curation which used technology to gather information and interactive experience. Gamification applied in promoting historical artifact can improve interest . The Great Qing Empire Manchurian Language is a case that be worth analyzing because it provides a new way to learn historical artifact that gamification based digital curation can creates a sense of playfulness in promoting historical artifact which is a easy way to learn. Therefore, participation becomes enjoyable and desirable. Both gamification and digital curation are new research issue in historical artifact promotion. In terms of the methodology of the research In-depth interviews will be adopted. This study intends to analysis the process and key point from the view of digital curation and gamification. Through the analysis of several case studies about the applications of gamification and digital curation in historical artifact promotion. This study generalizes the core concept and important value through the applications of the historical artifact via gamification concept based digital curation. It is expected that this study could provide a model of the historical artifact promotion in the future.



策展, 數位策展, 遊戲化概念, 歷史文物推廣, Curation, Digital Curation, Gamification Concept, Historical Artifact Promotion

