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電影是文化的表徵之一,亦是當代社會中快速傳遞文化意識、民族理念的一種途徑。在全球化與後殖民主義的背景下,好萊塢電影以其強勢的行銷手法和資金,長期佔據各國電影主流市場,其中改編他國賣座電影亦是其慣用的操作手法之一。 近年好萊塢更掀起了一股亞洲電影改編風潮,透過中西文化風情的轉換及表現形式之差異,能使相同的劇本激盪出不同的火花。由香港電影經典黑幫電影《無間道》,於亞洲地區創下票房佳績,在華人地區引起一股警匪片旋風 。而後《無間道》的劇本獲得美國導演Martin Scorsese之青睞,注入西方文化重新拍攝,名為《神鬼無間》,該片上映後與《無間道》的命運大相逕庭,除了在歐美地區廣受好評外,更榮獲多項奧斯卡金像獎,卻在港台地區則普遍評價不高。 電影作為一門「綜合藝術」,無論建築、雕塑、舞蹈、繪畫、音樂、文學、戲劇等各類先輩藝術的許多傳統,都有部份被電影沿用,因此電影是一種必須奠基於他種藝術的藝術。電影的拍攝手法及視覺形式之表達,與文化系統及美學思維有著緊密的連結。 本研究主要以文本分析方式進行,透過葛雷瑪斯(Greimas)所提出之敘事語意分析理論,解構出電影文本之敘事結構,再將文本內容劃分為時代背景與文化、表現手法,以及聲音與對白分析等三大類別,深入探討比較,援引相關文獻、影視理論等作為輔助的推論,期望從外顯的「表現形式」及內隱的「文化意象」中,深入探究中西文化系統、美學觀點,如何影響到其電影作品的表達,以何種形式呈現,企圖了解外在形象背後所潛藏之內含意義及其文化意識形態。
Hollywood films have occupied the main-stream market of every country with its strong marketing strategy and bankroll. In recent years the trend of adapting Asian movies has blown up in Hollywood. The transform of Chinese and western cultural customs and the difference of performing ways make the same scrip spark different sparks. Hong Kong classic gangster film” Infernal Affairs” created success at the box office in Asia and gangster film raised a burst of upsurge in Chinese region. Infernal Affairs’ script obtained American director, Martin Scorsese, favor. The director reshot Infernal Affairs by adding western culture and then named the film “The Departed”, and it’s well-received and won several awards of Oscar, but it is generally not highly regarded in Hong Kong and Taiwan. The way of filming and the expression of visual forms are closely linked to culture system and aesthetic thinking. This study quoting relevant documents, film theories, narrative theories and so on as assisted inferences, intends text analysis, and it divides the elements of the film into the actor roles, body languages, costumes, background music and settings to carry out an exhaustive comparative research. With the comparison between the film texts of Infernal Affairs and Departed, expect to make a thorough study on how Chinese and western culture systems and aesthetic perspectives affect the expressions of the film and on what forms to be presented form the explicit visual forms and implicit culture images and attempt to understand the meanings and culture ideology hidden behind external images/characters.



表現形式, 文化意象, 改編電影, visual form, cultural images, adaptation

