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本研究旨在瞭解國立高級中等學校校長遴選制度之實施成效,以及高中職學校教育人員對校長遴選現況的看法,藉以探討現行高級中等學校校長遴選制度之利弊得失;並據以提出結論和建議,供主管教育行政機關,實施校長遴選的參考。 本研究的目的有下列五項: 一、探討國立高級中等學校校長應具備的基本條件。 二、瞭解國立高級中等學校校長候選人應有的基本知能。 三、瞭解現行高級中等學校校長遴選制度之實施現況。 四、探討國立高級中等學校校長遴選實施的成效。 五、對校長遴選制度應有的配套措施及其改進建議。 本研究係採自編問卷調查,以台灣地區各縣市(不含台北、高雄兩院轄市)分別以北、中、南、東四區之高級中等學校,抽取54所學校,每校10人(包括校長、主任及教師)為實施問卷調查的對象,共收到問卷441份,所得資料加以統計分析,調查研究結果如下: 一、關於國立高級中等學校校長應具備的基本條件方面 高級中等學校校長候選人應具備有:(一)學歷:碩士學位以上;(二)經歷:五~七年之主任行政經歷;(三)重要知能:行政領導和教學領導能力、塑造學校願景的能力、處理校園危機的能力;(四)人格特質:待人誠懇言而有信、奉獻犧牲勇於負責、儀態端莊情緒穩定、處世嚴明當機立斷;(五)重要修養:高尚品德做師生表率、正確價值觀、依法行政處事公正、態度誠懇處事圓融。 二、關於現行高級中等學校校長遴選制度之實施現況方面 (一)高級中等學校校長遴選制度獲得支持;(二)高級中等學校校長遴選實施的過程有待改進;(三)教師代表的浮動委員產生方式尚有爭議;(四)筆試內容應以教育實務現行教育政策及教育理論為主;(五)應以資績、筆試和面談三項成績之總分擇優錄取。 三、關於國立高級中等學校校長遴選實施的成效方面 (一)校長候選人可選擇自己適合的學校參加遴選;(二)可促進校長更加尊重家長會和教師會的意見;(三)具有考核校長辦學績效的功能(四)可淘汰不適任的校長。 四、關於實施校長遴選面臨的問題 (一)無法遴選出適才適所的校長;(二)造成政治力的介入;(三)遴選委員的公正性受到質疑;(四)校長為了尋求連任、缺乏改革魄力。 五、實施校長遴選制度應行改進事項的建議 (一)校長候選人參加面談前,應對其現職服務績效予以考評;(二)遴選的實施過程與考核項目應更多元化;(三)出缺學校應提供有關簡報和相關資料給有意願的參選人參考;(四)遴選作業應提早完成以便讓新任校長有充裕的時間準備接任校務。
This thesis is a research on the advantage and imperfection effects of the selection of principals at the national senior high schools, including the analysis of the current practices, opinions from senior high schools and vocational high schools’ educators and administrators toward the selection procedure. The study concludes with the suggestions for future improvement to the department of education. This research tries to reach the following five objectives. A. Discussion of the qualifications for the principals at the national senior high schools. B. Understanding the knowledge and competence the principal candidates should have. C. Understanding the current practices for the selection of principals at the national senior high schools. D. Discussing the current effects for the selection of principals at the national senior high schools. E. Providing the reflections and suggestions for improvement of principal's selection. This study applies the method of questionnaire survey to gather the opinions from the educators and administrators at the national senior high schools. The survey population is sampling from 54 national high schools including north, mid, south, and east Taiwan, except Taipei and Koushong Cities. 10 questionnaires were distributed to each schools staffs, including, principal, vice principal, teachers and personnel in different administrative levels. 441 valid questionnaires conclude and analyze the results as follows. A. A qualified principal at national high school, and a knowledgeable and competent principal candidate should match the following criteria. a. Having a master degree or above in education background. b. Five to seven years vice principal administrative experiences. c. Competency of good administrative and academic leadership, competency of school visionary building, and competency of solving contingent problem on campus. d. Having honest, trustable personality, devoted, responsible to school, and having steady, and promptly decision making ability. e. Proving correct value, highly respectful merit model in morality for students and teachers, sincere attitude and justice in management . B. Their opinions on the current practices for the selection of principals at thenational high schools. a. Winning support from the principal, vice principal, teachers and personnel in different administrative levels, on the current practices of selection of principals at the national high schools. b. There is still a room for improvement of selection of principals at thenational high school. c. The selection of representatives for teachers remains controversial. d. The context in written test should be based on current education policy and theory. e. The final selection should be graded in total score by experiences, written tests and interview to find a more suitable candidates. C. The current effects for the selection of principals at the national high schools. a. In the selection of principal the candidates can apply for their suitableand ideal schools. b. The principal would pay more attention to parents committee and teachers committee. c. It serves a function as to evaluate principal's competence on management efficiency. d. The selection can eliminate unsuitable principals. D. Issues and problems a. The selection of principal can’t match the qualified candidates with their ideal schools. b. Political interference. c. The justice and fairness of the selection committee is questionable. d. Principals would be lack of reformation in order to win the next selection. E. Suggestions for the improvement of selection of principals a.The efficiency on candidates current position should be evaluated before their selection interview. b.The selection procedure and subjects of the exam should be more diverse. c.The school with principal vacancy should provide related brief and information for candidates. d.The selection procedure should be finished earlier, so that the new principal would have sufficient time for the new mission.



國立高級中等學校, 校長遴選, 遴選委員, 教育改革審議委員會, national senior high school, selection of principal, selection committee, reformation committee of education

