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本研究旨在發展臺北市運動中心績效評估指標,藉以評估各運動中心績效及改善建議。本研究發展以資料包絡分析法DEA評估運動中心經營管理績效評估指標,藉以探討各運動中心之整體相對效率及由實證分析結果,對於運動中心資源效益提出改善空間或做資源配置重整的方向,以供管理決策者參考。因此,根據前述三項研究目的,本研究先做文獻分析,隨後進行專家學者訪談與二次德懷術問卷調查,及運用資料包絡分析法做經營績效評估,根據結果分析與討論,歸納結論項,分述如后: 一、臺北市運動中心經營績效評估,各項具體可行的投入指標:場館樓地板總面積、年度行政事務費、年度營運成本、年度總資產及年度行政用人費等5項,產出指標:行銷服務總人次、身心障礙、低收入戶及銀髮族服務總人次、場館服務總人次及年度總收入等4 項,共計9項指標。 二、「臺北市運動中心總體經營績效投入-產出模式」驗證臺北市運動中心整體經營績效。28個決策單位經BCC-I/O模式分析,所有的效率值都是1;經CCR-I/O模式分析,大部分的決策單位效率值都是1,僅有5個決策單位,效率值小於1。
It aims to improve environmental service quality and then to provide high-quality facilities for the public. The study employs Delphi Method and DEA technique to develope performance evaluation indicators of Taipei City Sport Center. Then, we use these indicators to assess and to provide suggestions to improve their inefficiency. The results of the study are described as follows: 1.After employing Delphi Method and DEA technique, the feasible performance evaluation indicators of Taipei City Sport Center includes 5 input indicators: total floor space of the building, total administrative expenses, total operating expenses, total assets, cost of labors, and 4 output indicators: number of marketing service for people, number of people serviced for charitable use, number of people using facilites, total revenue. 2.By using DEA BCC-I/O model, all 28 DMUs’ cost efficiency score are 1 in the research period. However, by using DEA CCR-I/O model, most DMUs’ cost efficiency score are also 1 and only 5 DMUs’ cost efficiency score are below 1 in the same period.



營運移轉, 績效, 績效評估, 績效指標, 資料包絡分析法, 臺北市運動中心, Operate-Transfer(OT), Performance, Performance Evaluation, Performance Indicators, Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA), Taipei City Sports Center

