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本研究旨在探討臺北市國民中學自然與生活科技領域教師對學校本位課程發展知覺程度之現況;並探討不同個人背景變項及不同學校環境變項之教師,對學校本位課程發展知覺程度之差異情形。 本研究以調查研究法進行,研究工具為自編之「臺北市國中自然與生活科技領域教師對學校本位課程發展知覺研究問卷」,預試問卷以構念效度及內部一致性信度進行分析,正式問卷對臺北市國中自然與生活科技領域教師進行普查,共發出問卷1033份,回收有效問卷為600份,有效問卷回收率為58.1%。 本研究之調查結果顯示:臺北市國民中學自然與生活科技領域教師對學校本位課程發展知覺程度偏向正向。參加過與自然與生活科技領域相關行動研究、私立學校、學校規模在24班以下、學校所在地為內湖區、自然與生活科技領域教師人數在10人以下之教師,對學校本位課程發展知覺程度在總體上較偏向正面。
The research aimed to study the the nature science and living technology teachers’ perceptions of school-based curriculum development(SBCD) in Taipei junior high schools. The main purposes of this research were to understand the present status of the teachers’ perceptions on SBCD; and then to compare the difference of the teachers’ perceptions in pushing forward the SBCD according to the variables of different personal background and school environment between the junior high school teachers with variables. A questionnaire entitled “Questionnaire on the Perceptions on School-based Curriculum Development of Junior High School Science and Technology Teachers in Taipei City. ”was developed and analyzed withcontent validity and internal consistent reliability after pilot-test. Participants were recruited by census survey. A total of 1,033 formal questionnaires were sent in May 2008 and 600 were returned in June 2008, which revealed 58.1% of the validity of the questionnaire. The findings of this study were as follows:the present status of the teachers’ perceptions on SBCD of junior high school science and technology teachers in Taipei city was mildly positive, especially for those who had the experiences of action research in related areas of science and technology, were at a private high school,at the high school with less than 24 classes,at the high school of the Nei-Hwo district,at the high school with less than 10 teachers of science and technology.



國中, 自然與生活科技領域, 學校本位課程, junior high school, nature science and living technology area, school-based curriculum

