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摘 要 面對全球化競爭激烈的發展,企業競爭的優勢並非單純的新產品研發、市場拓展或降低成本,而是組織學習的速度。團隊學習是組織學習成功的關鍵。 本研究主要目的為探討高科技企業團隊運作、團隊學習型態與學習成效之彼此間之關係。研究方法以「文獻分析法」、「個案訪談法」與「問卷調查法」進行。研究對象採取立意抽樣原則,選出半導體與光電產業六家企業進行實證研究。問卷發出190份,回收151份,扣除無效卷,回收率達78.9%,(擔任團隊領導者33人,團隊成員117人)。應用次數分配、百分比、t 考驗、變異數分析、積差相關係數分析、逐步多元迴歸、徑路分析等統計方法分析後,獲得結論如下: 一、不同個人背景變項於團隊條件、團隊運作、學習型態、團隊學習成效與組織學習成效之間有顯著差異。 二、不同團隊背景變項於團隊條件、團隊運作、學習型態、團隊學習成效與組織學習成效之間有有顯著差異。 三、團隊條件、團隊運作、團隊學習型態與團隊學習成效、組織學習成效間有顯著正相關。 四、團隊運作與團隊學習型態對團隊學習成效表現具有預測力,能解釋團隊學習成效表現52.3%的變異量。以團隊聯繫、自我學習、團隊動力、社群學習等分量具影響力。團隊條件對團隊學習成效不具顯著影響力。 五、團隊條件與團隊學習型態對學習成效表現具有預測力,能解釋組織學習成效表現58.2%的變異量。以自我學習、社群學習、行政支援、教育訓練等分量具影響力。團隊運作對組織學習成效不具顯著影響力。 六、團隊運作、團隊學習型態對團隊學習成效具徑路模式;團隊條件、團隊學習型態對組織學習成效具徑路模式。 七、不同產業、公司在團隊學習型態表現上有顯著差異。 針對以上結果,本研究對實務界及後續研究提出建議。
Abstract To face with the competitive development world wide, the advantage of business competition is not only the new production innovation, market implementation or cost down plan, but the path (speed) of organizing learning. This research was investigated on team conditions, team process, team learning patterns and team learning outcomes at High –Tech companies. These research methods were used document analysis、interview and research survey analysis. The research surveyed audiences are chosen randomized by specific groups in semiconductor and LCD (liquid crystal display industries as survey samples. 190 survey sent out, returned 151 samples, deduct the invalid samples, the reclaim rate is 78.9%. Applied with T test, variable and difference analysis, metrics error difference analysis the results as below: 1. There are the remarkable difference of personnel background base on team conditions, team process, learning patterns, team learning outcomes and organization learning outcomes. 2. There are the notable difference of team background, team process, learning patterns, team learning outcomes and organization learning outcomes . 3. Team conditions, team process, team learning patterns and team learning results are shown in positive proportion. 4. The team process and team learning patterns are showing anticipation of team learning outcomes; this can explain the variable and analysis in 52.3% of learning performance outcomes. The variable elements as team affiliation; self-learning, team agency and community of practice are influenced. Team learning outcomes does not affected by the team condition. 5. The team conditions and team learning patterns are showing anticipation of learning performance, this can explain the variable and analysis in 58.2% of organization learning results. The variable elements as self-learning, community of practice, administration support, technical training are influenced. Team process does not affect much on organization learning. 6. Team process and group learning patterns are based on the loop module of team learning performance; team condition and team learning patterns are based on the loop module of organization learning. 7. Different industries and companies appear highly differences on team learning patterns.



工作本位學習, 團隊學習, 組織學習, 團隊運作, 團隊成效, workbased learning, team learning, teamwork, team learning outcomes

