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本研究旨在探討工業類科學生技藝競賽汽車修護職種指導老師運用轉化、互易領導行為之現況;進而探討轉化、互易領導行為對選手競賽成績之影響。經由文獻探討及國內學者之相關研究,發展出「汽車修護職種指導教師領導行為」調查問卷,以轉化領導行為與互易領導行為作為研究工具,針對參與104學年度工科技藝競賽之指導老師做為研究對象,對汽車修護職種之 249 位指導老師發出問卷。並以描敘述統計、獨立樣本 t 考驗、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA),Scheffé 法進行事後比較,以及逐步迴歸等統計方法作資料分析,並提供適當之建議,以作為日後技藝競賽選手培訓之建議與參考。本研究結論指出: 一、擔任工科技藝競賽汽車修護職種教師指導年資以3年以下為主。 二、指導教師領導行為運用程度偏高。 三、曾指導選手得過金手獎的指導教師在領導行為層面運用程度較高。 四、指導教師領導行為(願景、智能啟發、個別關懷、權宜獎賞)能有效預 測競賽成績。
The aim of this research is to investigate how mentors of the automobile mechanic in National Industry-Related Skills Competition apply transformational and transactional leadership to the current teaching situation, and, furthermore, to probe into how the leadership behaviors affect the performance of the contestants. By referring to some literature reviews as well as a few related researches by domestic intellectuals, the current study adopted an Automobile Mechanic Mentors’ Leadership Behavior questionnaire, whose foundation is based on transformational and transactional leadership behaviors, to be the main instrument employed. This study recruited a total of 249 mentors participating in Automobile Mechanic in National Industry-Related Skills Competition 2015 to be the subjects of this questionnaire. Results of this study are presented via the descriptive statistics, independent-sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé method, and stepwise regression analysis, and proper suggestions are also provided to serve as references for the future mentors of National Industry-Related Skills Competition. Results of this study were addressed as follows. 1.The average year of being a mentor for Automobile Mechanic in National Industry-Related Skills Competition is found less than three years. 2.There is a high degree of leadership behaviors applied by mentors when they instruct Industry-Related Skills Competition 3.Mentors who had successful experiences of training award-winning competitors tend to use leadership behaviors more frequently. 4.Leadership behaviors, such as prospect, intelligence inspiration, individual consideration and expedient rewards, enable mentors to forecast the grades of competitions efficiently.



工科技藝競賽, 轉化領導, 互易領導, 汽車修護

