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本篇論文中,我們研究半導體光子晶體光學性質的磁場效應。我們利用3轉移矩陣法(TMM)來計算結構的頻譜圖,論文有三個主題: 主題一是研究光子晶體的InSb光學特性在Faraday effect,利用週期性層狀air/〖(AB)〗^N/air的結構,A = InSb、B = air、N=stack number,我們利用外加的磁場B改變光子晶體的光子能帶結構。並且分析在正常入射和斜向入射的情況。其中InSb的介電常數是在不同的頻率範圍不同的修改。結果,該光子能帶結構和透射特性將可以相對應的調整。 主題二則是InSb在有限光子晶體中利用磁場設計可調式多通道的濾波器,利用相同air/〖(AB)〗^N/air 的結構來研究,A =InSb、B = Air,固定層數4層,我們會發現負介電常數可以在-1.2x1013Hz的頻率範圍中找到,此時InSb會有金屬的特性,並且一樣改變磁場B與角度可以發現透射峰藍移或是紅移,綜合以上特性,設計可調式多通道的濾波器。 主題三是 光子晶體的InSb光學特性在Voigt Effects 之研究,在本章中,我們會研究光子晶體在Voigt Effects中的變化,不同的是比較Faraday effect在第兩三的主題。一樣利用air/〖(AB)〗^N/air 的結構來研究,但因為Voigt Effects中磁場不平行,而是垂直的。所以比較Faraday effect與Voigt Effects在光子晶體中的優點和缺點。
In this thesis, we study the magnetic-field dependence of optical properties in an InSb-based photonic crystal. There are three topicsto be studied. In these works, wewilluse transfer matrix method (TMM) to calculate thephotonic band structure (PBS) and transmittance characteristics of a 1D photonic crystal. The first topic is to study theoptical propertiesphotonic crystalof in Faraday configuration. The considered structure isair/〖(AB)〗^N/air, where A = InSb, B = air, and N= stack number.We shall change the appliedmagnetic fieldBto investigate howthe PBS can be affected.The analysiswill be made in the case ofnormal incidenceand obliqueincidence. The second topic is to study the multiple filtering property in a finite InSb PC of air/〖(AB)〗^N/air. In this case, we limit the frequency range at which the permittivity of InSb can be negative such that InSb is metal-like. It will be seen thatchanging the magnetic fieldBandthe anglecan make transmission peakblue-shift tored-shift. Thus, a tunable multichannel filter can be achieved. In the third part, we study the optical properties of photonic crystals InSb in the Voigt configuration. The study will be compared with the first topic in parallel.The distinction between the two configurations will be demonstrated.



半導體光子晶體光學性質之磁場效應, 光子晶體, Photonic Crystal, InSb-based

