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本研究目的是以行動載具透過Quizlet的應用程式,在第二外語教室情境內評估成效以探討學習者動機、學習成效與感受。 臺灣某高中兩個班級共七十二位十一年級學生參與本次研究,其中一班三十六位組成實驗組,實驗組透過手機Quizlet應用程式或Quizlet網站進行字彙學習並透過Quizlet測驗模式進行字彙測驗,每週一次;此外,另一班三十六位學生為對照組,上課時藉由紙本字彙卡做字彙學習,並做字彙測試,每週進行測驗時間與實驗組相同。實驗前,兩組先做字彙選擇題前測以了解兩組學生的先備知識與英文程度。字彙練習六週後即進行後測,藉以了解學生字彙學習的成效,後測結束後一週做延宕後測以了解兩組學生字彙學習的持久性。實驗組另外於延宕後測後進行問卷調查、反省報告與訪談,以深入了解學生對於使用Quizlet學習字彙的學習動機是否提升與學習後的學生感受如何。 研究結果顯示出,實驗組與對照組在字彙習得皆有進步。並且,無論是後測與延宕後測,實驗組學生的進步分數皆高於對照組,且達到顯著差異。實驗組學生的問卷調查、反省報告與訪談中大部分學生對於運用Quizlet學習字彙持積極正面的態度;他們認為Quizlet當中的配對與拼字遊戲增加學習字彙的動機,並認為Quizlet的電子閃示卡中,圖片有助聯想字彙字義並延長記憶。Quizlet中的即時回饋有助於增加學習信心,並可幫助學生即時修正錯誤。部分學生指出未來會繼續使用Quizlet學習字彙,少部分學生的回饋中指出使用Quizlet的缺點或未來可能不使用的原因,對於未來研究與教學上的啟示均在研究中討論。 關鍵字: 行動載具、學習動機、電子閃示卡
This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of using the Quizlet app through mobile devices in an EFL classroom situation to investigate learners’ motivation, learning effects, and perceptions. Seventy-two eleventh grade students in a senior high school in Taiwan participated in the study. Thirty-six students in one class formed the experimental group. They were requested to use Quizlet through mobile phones or computers to learn target words and use the Test mode through Quizlet to test their vocabulary acquisition once a week. Thirty-six students in the other class were in the control group. They were requested to learn the target words through paper flashcards and taking vocabulary quizzes a week. The testing time was the same with the experimental group. Before the treatment, all participants took a vocabulary pretest to record their prior knowledge and English level. After six weeks of interventions, all participants took another test to determine how much progress they had made acquiring the target words. One week after the post-test, a delayed post-test was conducted to explore vocabulary retention. Afterwards, a motivation and perception questionnaire, a reflection report, and interviews were administered with the experimental group only to further explore whether the use of Quizlet motivated students’ vocabulary learning and what their perceptions were towards the use of Quizlet. The results showed that the participants in both groups made significant progress on vocabulary tests. Additionally, in terms of mean gain of vocabulary scores post-test and the delayed post-test, the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group. From the questionnaire, the reflection report, and the interviews, most of the students expressed positive and favorable attitudes towards the use of Quizlet. They thought that the games in Quizlet increased their learning motivation, and the pictures provided by Quizlet helped prolong the retention of the target words. The instant feedback in Quizlet helped their vocabulary learning, enhanced their confidence, and corrected their mistakes immediately. Some participants stated that they would continue to use Quizlet in the future; others pointed out some of the drawbacks of the app. A small number of students described why they would not use Quizlet any more. The implications of this study on future research and teaching are also discussed in this study. Key words: mobile devices, learning motivation, digital flashcards



行動載具, 學習動機, 電子閃示卡, mobile devices, learning motivation, digital flashcards

