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Due to the characteristics of internet in real-time, interaction, and cross region, more and more researchers and teachers were tried to improve teaching by utilizing these characteristics for the purpose of improving students’ learning performance. Some researchers found that if the web-based blogs could be utilized in improving writing, and students had good performances in writing competency and attitude towards writing; meanwhile, some researchers proposed different research results in writing competency and attitude towards writing. According to the differences in previous research results, the study defined the writing performance as the writing competency and attitude towards writing, and the meta-analysis was employed in this study for the purpose of exploring the effects of web-based blogs in writing performance in recent years. According to results of the meta-analysis, the web-based blogs had positive effects in promoting the users’ writing performances, which were including of the framework, rhetoric, and number of words of article in writing competency, and the motivation, confidence, and self-reflection of writing in attitude towards writing.



網路部落格, 寫作表現, 寫作能力, 寫作態度, 後設分析, web-based blog, writing performance, writing competency, attitude towards writing, meta-analysis

