

本研究旨在研究製造業對於外籍勞工所做的跨文化教育訓練現況以及外籍勞工所需之跨文化教育訓練內涵。本研究採質化研究中的多重個案研究法,以訪談的方式收集資料。經過訪談資料及文件資料的分析後,得到下列結論: 一、受訪公司實施跨文化教育訓練現況,包括外籍勞工選取過程、教育訓練方式、與外籍勞工之間的互動、以及目前遭遇之難題四個部份。 (一)外籍勞工選取過程包括雇主與國內仲介公司接洽、與國外仲介配合、選 取條件、挑工方式等。 (二)教育訓練方式包括入境前的講習、上工前的講習、自我學習、同儕間的 學習。 (三)與外籍勞工之間的互動包括休閒活動、學習與尊重、溝通與協調、詢問 狀況等。 (四)目前遭遇之難題包括訓練天數短、對於勞工保護過頭、法令有缺失等。 二、外籍勞工所需之跨文化教育炫練內涵分為工作方面和生活方面。 (一)工作方面包括基本訓練、語言訓練、法令宣導等。 (二)生活方面包括宗教信仰、生活習慣、各國節慶等。
The purposes of this research were to search the current conditions that cross-cultural education and training for foreign labor applied in Taiwan manufacturing industry and the essential cross-cultural education and training for foreign labor. The research method used in this research was the multiple-cases of qualitative research, and collecting information by interview. After analyzing the interview content and file information, this research concluded following conclusions: 1.The four parts of the current conditions that cross-cultural education and training for foreign labor applied in Taiwan manufacturing industry are as follows: the process of choosing foreign labor, the methods of education and training, the interaction for foreign labor and the current difficulties. (1)The process of choosing foreign labor includes employer consulting with demestic agent, coorperating with overseas agent, the conditions of choosing forein labor and the ways of choosing forein labor. (2)The methods of education and training includes short-term training before entering Taiwan, short-term training before working, self-culture and studying with compaons. (3)The interaction for foreign labor includes leisure activities, studying and respecting, communicating and coordinating, and asking their situations (4)The current difficulties includes fewer training days, over-protecting to foreign labor and incomplete laws. 2.The essential cross-cultural education and training for foreign labor includes two parts: working area and livin area. (1)The working area includes basic trainings, language training and laws indoctrination. (2)The living area includes religious belief, living habis and national festivals.



製造業, 外籍勞工, 跨文化訓練, Manufacturing industry, Foreign labor, Cross-cultural training

