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本研究以網路女性服飾福袋為研究主體,旨要在探討消費者對網路福袋購買意願影響之因素。過去對購買意願研究很多,但對網路福袋購買意願的研究很少。網路福袋與一般商品不同之處在於他會帶給消費者期盼與想像。經文獻探討找出與網路福袋這類商品特性相關的因素:可想像性、期盼、正面口碑程度與知覺風險會對消費者對網路福袋的購買意願與知覺價值有影響。此外,網路福袋的搭售價格對消費者而言是無法自己決定的,但價格是賣方重要的策略之一,因此在研究模型中搭售價格扮演了調節角色。 經網路問卷發放實證研究發現,可想像性、期盼與正面口碑程度確實對購買意願有正向影響。知覺風險對知覺價值有負向影響。知覺價值對購買意願有正向影響。搭售價格在正面口碑程度對購買意願的正向影響上,扮演了調節的影響。當搭售價格較高時,正面口碑程度對購買意願的正向影響將會被減弱。以外,研究結果還發現,當固定其他影響因素不變時,搭售價格對購買意願有正向的影響。也就是說,當與市場中相同條件、策略的競爭者競爭時,不應降低搭售價格陷入價格競爭來吸引消費者,反而應提高搭售價格可使消費者購買意願增加。
In this study we investigate the relevant factors that have direct as well as indirect influences on purchase intention of consumers in on-line female cloth lucky bags markets. Though there have been lots of empirical studies exploring determinants of consumer purchase intention, very few are about the context of on-line lucky bags consumption. The specific factors that differentiate on-line lucky bags consumption from other products are hope and imaginability for consumers in this context. Through literature review, we identify imaginability, hope, positive e-WOM and perceived risk have effects on purchase intention for on-line lucky bags consumers. Besides, we argue that the bundling price of on-line lucky bags is a possible moderating factor on the casual relationships between the above-mentioned factors and purchase intention. The data analysis of our empirical investigation shows that (1) imaginability, hope and positive e-WOM have significant, positive impact on purchase intention; (2) perceived risk has significant influence on perceived value; (3) bundling price indeed has a moderate role on the impact of positive e-WOM on purchase intention. When bundling price is high, the impact of positive e-WOM on purchase intention is weakened. The result also shows that when other influences are held constant, bundling price has a positive effect on purchase intention. That is, when competing with competitors who have similar strategies and resource conditions, an on-line firm should not lower bundling price to attract consumers, instead it should increase the bundling price.



網路福袋, 可想像性, 期盼, 正面口碑程度, 搭售價格, On-line lucky bags, imageability, hope, positive E-WOM, bundling price

