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臺灣現代散文的發展在這半世紀以來,女性作家人才輩出,作品可謂是質量俱佳,開創出女性散文的新局面。其中廖玉蕙的散文或寫親情、或論教育、或議時事,題材可說十分豐富多元。廖玉蕙本著溫柔敦厚的心,以詼諧幽默的筆調,敏銳感性的書寫世事,讓其作品散發出一種深遠、真摯的情味。 細看廖玉蕙所有散文作品,「親情書寫」可說是貫串所有題材的核心主題,她以親情為出發點,將其書寫視角拓展至教育議題、社會時事,在作品中詮釋人生深刻的意義。本論文取材自廖玉蕙1986年起至2012年出版的散文作品,以親情書寫內容為研究對象,透過文本及文獻分析,探討廖玉蕙的創作歷程及親情書寫散文的創作背景和創作意識,了解其寫作主題淵源及發展。其次,探究廖玉蕙作品中親情書寫的內容,分析她想傳達的信念及意涵;析論廖玉蕙親情書寫散文的藝術表現技巧,分析其敘事手法、表現方式以及文字運用。期望透過全面性的詮釋與研究之後,能對廖玉蕙親情書寫散文的意義與特色,有更深入、更完整的掌握,藉以評定廖玉蕙在親情散文書寫上的文學價值。
Female writers stand out in Taiwanese prose circles in the past half century. The excellent quality and quantity of their prose stands remarkably in Taiwan female prose. Yu-Hui Liao's prose has diverse and rich topics ranging from parent affections, education, to current issues. With her tendered-heart, humorous tone, sensitive and sensible writing types, Yu-Hui Liao's prose are proud and genuine. "Parental affection" is the major theme in all Yu-Hui Liao's prose. She starts with parental affection and extends it to educational issues and social events. The meaning and purpose of life can be revealed in Yu-Hui Liao's prose. This thesis focuses on Yu-Hui Liao's prose written between 1986 and 2012, particuarly on parent affection. The text analysis and literature review are used to discuss Yu-Hui Liao's prose writing process, historical background, and creative consciousness in order to understand the origin and developments of the theme. Next, the content of Yu-Hui Liao's prose on parent affection is discussed and analyzed in order to understand the belief and meanings that she has tried to convey in the prose. Yu-Hui Liao's artistic writing skills on parental affection is analyzed in terms of her narration, expressive representations, and word usage. Through the complete analysis, discussion, and research, it is hoped that there will be a deeper and comprehensive understanding of the meanings and purposes behind Yu-Hui Liao's parental affection in her prose. Finally the literature value of Yu-Hui Liao's prose on parental affection can be evaluated.



廖玉蕙, 現代散文, 女性散文, 親情書寫, Yu-Hui Liao, modern prose, female prose, parental affection

