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  拱天宮建於清同治二年(1863)為白沙屯地區主要信仰,每年白沙屯媽祖前往北港進香,沿途經過苗栗縣、台中縣、彰化縣、雲林縣,在此四縣市中,許多民眾自願籌組白沙屯媽祖聯誼會,得以在白沙屯媽祖往北港進香時,服務沿途隨香的香燈腳為其組織目的。   本論文以台灣中部地區白沙屯媽祖聯誼會作為研究對象,藉由實地深入訪談的方式,探究此一類組織的組成原因、組織架構、年中行事等事情。筆者將該組織區分為「任務型組織團體」與「常態型組織團體」,此二者最大差別在於「分靈媽祖與否」。「任務型組織團體」以白沙屯媽祖進香時,服務隨香的香燈腳作為該組織主要目的;「常態型組織團體」除了在白沙屯媽祖進香時,服務隨香的香燈腳以外,並舉辦許多關於會內媽祖的活動,例如:聯誼會內部進香、會慶、擲爐主、恭祝媽祖聖誕等。   筆者藉由調查台灣中部地區白沙屯媽祖聯誼會組織,試圖分析白沙屯媽祖信仰傳播的方式。其中「白沙屯媽祖」進香路線不定,時常停駕、駐駕於民宅、店家、甚至工廠,無形間拉近與民眾的距離。民眾也以自身所能付出的方式回饋,「媽祖」與「信徒」二者間相互影響,使得參與人數增加,白沙屯媽祖信仰也藉由此種方式在台灣中部地方逐漸擴散。
  Gong Tian Temple, the religious center of Baishatun of Miaoli County, was founded in 1863. The Baishatun Matsu pilgrimage has more than a century of history. One major characteristic of Baishatun Mazu pilgrimage is that it is without a fixed route. The unique feature of the pilgrimage is that Matsu directs the schedule and the route. The Baishatun Matsu pilgrimage starts from Tonghsiao in Miaoli County to Beigang Chao-Tien Temple in Yunlin County. The common route of the Pilgrimage is across the coastal area of Miaoli County, Taichung City, Chang-Hua County, and Yun-Lin County.   Some sincere polgrims calls for their friends and families to do something about the Baishatun Matsu pilgrimage. They prepare food, water, and plain raincoat, then they send to the people who follow the Baishatun Mazu pilgrimage by foot (xiang-deng-jiao). These people set up volunteer association to do more things about Baishatun Matsu pilgrimage. This examination was guided by the following research questions: What reasons cause those people to do such voluntary work? Where do they come from? In considering the structure of the volunteer associations. This start the field research of the Baishatun Matsu pilgrimage form 2012 to 2015, and talk with the key members of these volunteer associations. Most of them say that they organize the association because the Baishatun Matsu palanquin once parked in front of their house. Before that, these founders of the associations don’t understand about the pilgrimage.   The important finding from these data suggests two types of organization; One type can be called as missionary type, which means that they just sent out food, water, and plain raincoat to the “xiang-deng-jiao”. Another type can be called as normal type which means that they run more like a normal Matsu association. They tend to do more things for Baishatun Matsu.   Such the finding may account in part for the reason of the people to do such voluntary work. The results of the present study that might profitably be addressed by future researchers in the area. Accounting for why more than more people from another County of Taiwan to follow the Baishatun Mazu pilgrimage by foot remains for future research.



白沙屯, 媽祖, 進香, 信徒組織, 聯誼會, Baishatun, Matsu, pilgrimage, volunteer, volunteer associations

