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本研究主要係探討臺北市社福慈善基金會成員的組織承諾及工作倦怠情形,並檢驗基金會成員之組織承諾與工作倦怠的關係。本研究以臺北市許可設立的社福慈善基金會工作人員為母群體,採取立意抽樣方式進行,共針對66家基金會發出350份問卷,實際回收48家基金會共245份問卷。研究工具則為「基金會成員對組織與工作感受之問卷調查」及「基金會現況調查問卷」。根據資料分析結果,歸納本研究之研究發現如下: 一、臺北市之社福慈善基金會成員的組織承諾情形良好。 二、臺北市之社福慈善基金會成員的工作倦怠情形不高。 三、在組織承諾方面,年齡較大,服務年資較久,婚姻狀況為已婚,工作職稱為主管,待遇較高的基金會成員,及志工、無給職或兼職人員,其組織承諾程度較高。 四、在工作倦怠感方面,基金會成員的服務年資較久、工作職稱為主管及待遇較高者,其工作倦怠的感受較低;此外,年齡與工作倦怠間則有負相關。 五、基金會的設立時間不同,其成員的工作倦怠感亦有所差異。 六、組織承諾與工作倦怠間具顯著負相關。 七、階層迴歸分析結果發現,個人變項的高階及低階主管,組織變項的組織滿意度,及組織承諾等變項共可解釋工作倦怠感總變異量的29.2%。高階及低階主管的工作怠感較專業人員為低,對組織的滿意度及組織承諾則有有效降低基金會成員的工作倦怠感。 本研究最後並依據研究發現,針對基金會、基金會成員及未來研究提出建議,以供參考。
The main purpose of this research was to explore the situation of organizational commitment and burnout of the members for social welfare and charity foundations in Taipei, and to examine the relationship of organizational commitment and burnout. This study used purposive sampling and dispatched 350 questionnaires to 66 foundations and recovery was 245 from 48 foundations. It analyzed the data by One-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regressions. The research tools were “the questionnaire of organization and work for foundation members” and “the investigation of foundation”. According to the analysis and findings, some conclusions were as follows, 1.The organizational commitment of the members for social welfare and charity foundations in Taipei was nice. 2.The burnout of the members for social welfare and charity foundations in Taipei was not high. 3.The organizational commitment had differences because of their seniority, marital status, title, and salary. Besides, there was significant positive correlation between their age and organizational commitment. 4.The burnout also had differences because of their seniority, title, and salary. However, there was significant negative correlation between their age and burnout. 5.The burnout had differences because of the time they set up. 6.There was significant negative correlation between the organizational commitment and. 7.The background of the members for social welfare and charity foundations in Taipei, and the organizational commitment had the prediction to burnout. Finally, according to the findings, it provided foundations, the members of foundations and future researchers with tangible suggestions for referencing.



非營利組織, 基金會, 組織承諾, 工作倦怠感, Organizational Commitment, Foundation, Burnout

