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摘要 本研究以文化公民權為主軸、以臺北市藝文推廣處的活動「音樂沙龍」、「文化就在巷子裡」為研究範疇,主要研究目的則援引Shelemay(2015)的「三S」音景概念-特定脈絡與場景(Setting)、聲音(Sound)、意義(Significance),對此二活動的效應進行整體的探討。詳言之,分從政府、活動內容、參與的民眾此三方面深入研究,包括: 一、在政府方面-「從文化政策的發展檢視文化公民權的建構與公民權的落實」: 藉由臺北市藝文推廣處音樂活動之相關文獻、對決策者的訪談,探討其文化政策的歷史脈絡以及剖析其中「文化公民權」概念的轉變。 二、在內容方面-「多元文化公民權在活動中的呈現」: 分析音樂藝文活動所呈現的類型、比例多寡以及所具有的文化公民權意涵。 三、在參與者方面-「解析民眾參與、民眾意見參與對文化公民權的意義」: 由文化公民權的視角,探討民眾對藝推處主辦活動的反應,尤其是: (一)探討民眾認為政府舉辦活動的對象、理念與成效為何。 (二)分析民眾參與活動以及轉換文化資本的情形。 承接研究目的,本研究首先分析相關文獻,並以次級資料研究法與訪談法探討藝文推廣處文化政策的發展,進而以內容分析法分析「音樂沙龍」及「文化就在巷子裡」兩個活動的類型,再透過對十四位活動參與者的個別訪談,以分析其反應及文化資本轉換情形。最後,統合研究分析的結果,如下所列: 一、在政府方面: 關於藝文推廣處辦理「文化沙龍」及「文化就在巷子裡」活動所展現的文化公民權之意涵,主要的特點在於政策的建立是以「人民」為立基、以「教育」為目標,在執行上則是參考民眾對活動內容的意見。 二、在內容方面: 依據分類與統計的結果,「音樂沙龍」呈現最多比例的音樂類型為「西樂」,而「文化就在巷子裡」以「歌仔戲」為比例最高的表演藝術類型。 三、在參與者方面: 透過「文化資訊」、「文化態度」、「文化活動」、「文化培育」、「幸福感」、「文化公民權」六大面向的訪談,受訪者均對政府主辦音樂活動予以肯定,原因則因人而異,建議事項也有所不同。而在受訪者文化資本的轉換情形方面,分析顯示本身具有高文化資本者較無明顯改變,而社經地位屬於中低階層且「自覺」此些活動的意義之受訪者,則呈現較明顯的轉化。 四、研究貢獻 (一)音樂藝文活動文化資本轉換模式之歸納整合 (二)音樂藝文之社會效應探討 (三)對軍中音樂藝文推廣的啟發 基於上述結論,本研究對後續相關研究提出兩項建議,包括:一、研究的場域可擴展至整體「臺北市藝文推廣處」、其主管機關「臺北市文化局」,或是其他文化機構等,以探究藝文推廣的各種目標與策略;二、後續研究可以不同社經地位者作為訪談對象,藉以比較不同身分背景的民眾在活動參與後的回應。此外,亦可以詢問不願意參加活動的民眾,瞭解其未參加活動的原因,探訪資料可進一步作為主辦單位降低阻礙因素、提升民眾近用藝文活動的參考。 至於對藝文推廣活動的辦理之建議,本研究參考活動的內容分析與受訪者之意見,提出下列三項:一、對活動的行銷、推廣以及環境設置之改善;二、藝文活動辦理經驗分享與交流機制的建立;三、對參與藝文活動之相關教育的重視。
Abstract This study takes the cultural citizenship as the main subject and the activities named "Music Salon" and "Culture in Alley" organized by Taipei City Arts Promotion Office as the research domains. The main purpose of the study is to conduct a holistic discussion on the effect of these two activities through the concept of "3S of the Soundscape" from Shelemay (2015) - Setting, Sound, Significance. And the in-depth research was carried out from the following three aspects of the government, activity contents, participants: 1. Government - viewing the construction and implementation of cultural citizenship from the development of cultural policy In this part, the historical context of the cultural policy and the transformation of the concept of "cultural citizenship" were discussed through the relevant literature of Taipei City Arts Promotion Office as well as the interviews with policy decision-makers. 2. Content - discussing on the presentation of the multicultural citizenship in activities The types, proportions, and their implied meaning of cultural citizenship for music art activities were analyzed. 3. Participants - analysis of the significance of citizens’ participation and opinions on cultural citizenship From the perspective of cultural citizenship, citizens’ responses to the music activities organized by Arts Promotion Office were explored, in particular: (1) Investigating the views of participated citizens about the objects, concepts and effects of activities organized by government (2) Analyzing the participation of citizens in music activities and the transformation of their cultural capital Based on the above, this study firstly analyzed relevant literatures, and explored the development of cultural policies of Taipei City Arts Promotion Office by means of the secondary data research and interviews. Secondly, the activity types of "Music Salon" and "Culture in Alley" were studied by content analysis. Thirdly, the analyses on the reactions and the transformation of cultural capital were carried out through the individual in-depth interviews with 14 participants. Finally, the results of the study were concluded as follows: 1. Government: Regarding the meaning of cultural citizenship implied by the activities of “Music Salon” and “Culture in Alley” held by Taipei City Arts Promotion Office, the major features lie in the fact that the policy is established on the basis of “the general public” as well as oriented towards the goal of “education”, and is carried out referring to the public’s opinions for activity contents. 2. Content: According to the results by categorization and statistics, “western music” takes the largest proportion among the music presented in “Music Salon”, and “Taiwanese Opera” occupies the greatest part among the performing arts in “Culture in Alley”. 3. Participants: Through interviews about the six dimensions, including “Cultural Information”, “Cultural Attitudes”, “Cultural Activities”, “Cultural Cultivation”, “Happiness” and “Cultural Citizenship”, interviewees all positively recognized the government’s organization for music activities. But the reasons vary from person to person, and the proposed matters are also different. In the case of respondents' cultural capital transformation, analysis shows that interviewees with higher cultural capital do not exhibit obvious changes, while distinct alterations are shown by the interviewees with the middle or lower socioeconomic status and awareness about the significance of these activities. 4. Research contributions: (1) The integration of cultural capital transformation model for music arts activities (2) The exploration of social effects of music arts (3) The inspiration on the promotion of music arts in the military Based on the above conclusions, there are two suggestions for subsequent research, including: (1) The field of study can be expanded to the whole "Taipei City Arts Promotion Office", its competent authority being "Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government", or to other cultural institutions, so as to explore various promotion objects and strategies for arts; (2) Subsequent research can take people from more different socioeconomic levels as interviewees and compare their responses. In addition, research can inquire people unwilling to participate in the activities about their reasons for non-participation, so the data can further be a reference for the organizers to exclude the obstacles and enhance the rights of public's access to art activities. Referring to the content analysis of the activities and the opinions of the respondents, this study also propose suggestions for Taipei City Arts Promotion Office, including: (1) improving activity marketing, promotion and environment settings; (2) establishing the mechanism for sharing and exchange experiences on organizing art activities; (3) paying attention to the education associated with the participation in art activities.



文化公民權, 文化資本, 藝文推廣, 藝術教育, 音樂活動分類, Cultural Citizenship, Cultural Capital, Art Promotion, Art Education, Music Activity Classification

