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本研究的主旨是透過在生涯中追求真實自我的人,從他們的生涯開展故事瞭解其與真實自我接觸的經驗,實踐真實自我的方式與歷程,以及對此實踐歷程所建構的意義。資料來源是四位研究參與者之敘說,以敘事取向研究方法中的「整體—內容」和「整體—形式」模式進行分析,結果如下: 一、與真實自我接觸的經驗分成三部分。「接觸的開端」包括:內在呼喚,驅動熱情;從小嚮往,直覺喜愛;創造想像的世界。「接觸過程中」包括:玩樂創造,歷久趣味;情感深刻,融為一體;敏銳易感,感覺流暢;專注當下,忘我出神;思考單純,自我對話;關係和諧,契合本性;共鳴連結,樂趣加倍。「接觸後」的經驗則包括:內心踏實,深度滿足;安心安頓,禪定平靜;如回家般,接納自在;單純快樂,樂此不疲;舒緩受苦,心靈自由;感受生命,坦然面對;自我價值,提升肯定;心靈富足,精神飽滿;自我成就感,人生進入另一階段。 二、實踐真實自我的方式,分成「在生涯轉折處」及「整個生涯中」兩部分。前者包括:特質發揮,帶來力量;享受嘗試,不設目標;志同道合,相互激盪;角色楷模,啟發反思;嘗試行動,促發改變;掌握創造,生涯機會;他人引導,自我學習。後者包括:抗拒主流,回歸本質;降低經濟安全,增加選擇自由;位移之後,多元觀照;經營生活,全心投入。實踐真實自我的歷程整體而言是屬於「前進-後退-前進」的「喜劇-羅曼史」敘說形式。分為七個階段:從小接觸渴望;非所愛的學習,但自發尋找出口;非所愛的工作,但本質我的能量流動;關鍵事件的促發;留白以追求嚮往;勇於轉換的嘗試;不斷走向本質我。 三、對實踐真實自我歷程所建構的意義包括:藉由充滿勇氣的行動,使人生不會留下遺憾;跟著感覺走,自然而然水到渠成;回應冥冥中力量的召喚,接納上天的安排;與他人及其他生命體,建立起深刻的連結;建構自身的主體性,如其所是地生活;一趟豐富精彩,令自己感動的旅程;享受嚮往的生活,踏實地活在當下;從小的渴望如今成為對社會群體的貢獻;解開對人生的疑惑,建構生命的意義。 文末針對研究結果進行討論,並提出相關建議。
The study aimed to understand the experience of contacting authentic self, the way and process of authentic self realization, and the meaning of this process through the individuals who searched for authentic self in their career. The collected data from four subjects’ narratives were analyzed via holistic-content and holistic-form modes of the narrative approach. The results were divided into three parts—the experience of contacting authentic self, the way and process of authentic self realization and the meaning of authentic self realization process. The experience of contacting authentic self is divided into three phases as the Beginning of Contacting, In-Between Contacting, and After Contacting. The Beginning of Contacting includes the inner calling summoning up the enthusiasm,experiencing longing and instinct affection and creating imagination world. The In-Between Contacting includes feeling the persistent enjoyment, affection craving and integrating with one’s self, sensitivity and sensibility, being concentrated on the moment and being ecstatic, purely thinking and entering into a dialogue with one’s self and harmony with one’s nature, meeting the friends alike bringing about more enjoyment. The After Contacting includes satisfaction and fulfilment; peace and silence, as being home and feeling at ease, pure happiness and being delightful, being free from suffering and setting the spirit free, experiencing the life and accepting it, self worth elevation and affirmation, gaining spiritual wealth and being full of energy, enhancing self-completion and entering a new stage of life. The way of authentic self realization is divided into Career Transition and Through the Whole Career Process. The former includes taking advantage of one’s traits and generating strength, enjoying trials and not setting goals, interacting with the people sharing the same ideals, being inspired by role models, taking actions leading to changes, creating and grasping career opportunities, following others’ guidance and learning by one’s self. The latter includes acting against the mainstream and returning to Self, reducing material needs and increasing the freedom of choice, after the displacement, viewing the life in various ways, managing the life overwhelmingly. The process of authentic self realization is a narrative form of comedy-romance which is in a forward-backward-forward direction. This process is divided into seven steps—initiating the aspiration since the childhood, entering into the disliked study area but spontaneously seeking for outlets, not working for a dream job but the energy of Self flowing continuously, a defining event initiating aspiration, trying to make changes and keeping walking into Self. The meaning of authentic self realization process includes by taking actions not to make regrets, following the feeling and the life shall find its way out, responding to the calling from a Higher Power and accepting its arrangement, making a strong connection with others and with other lives, constructing self’s subjective and being one’s self, having a colourful and sentimental journey, leading a dreaming life and ceasing the day, the dream built in the childhood turning into the contribution to the society, dispelling the life doubts and constructing the meaning of life. Finally, discussions according to the results and the suggestions for the future researchers were provided.



真實自我, 生涯轉換, 自性化, 靈性, authentic self, career transition, individuation, spirituality

