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本研究旨在探討原生家庭與教會生活經驗對基督教會中適婚者兩性交往與婚姻觀念的影響,由受訪者知覺父母之間的互動關係、與父親的互動關係、與母親的互動關係及其個人屬靈生活經驗、團體教會生活經驗等面向來探究對其兩性交往與婚姻觀念的影響。 由於質性研究強調詳盡描述現象的特質,並能掌握研究對象所表達的主觀意義,符合本研究的目的,因此選用質性研究為本研究方法。 在訪談內容描述上以現象學的研究規範為基礎,透過受訪者對於其原生家庭與教會生活經驗的自我陳述,整理出有意義的資訊;進而運用「客體關係理論」描述受訪者內在運作的表徵系統 (即受訪者個人內在的心理意象),包含其自體表徵與客體表徵。在訪談內容的詮釋分析上則依詮釋學詮釋分析。 本研究選取基督教地方教會中適婚的二位弟兄與二位姊妹為研究對象,其個人的基本背景、在教會中有服事的情形、父母省籍背景等皆呈均勻分佈。 本研究分別對每位受訪者進行兩次訪談,第一次訪談大綱內容共分為三個主題,依次為「我的教會生活經歷」、「我的原生家庭」和「我對婚姻的觀念」;第二次訪談大綱內容共分為二個主題,依次為「我的兩性交往情形」與「再談婚姻的觀念」。 本研究主要發現如下: 一、知覺父母之間互動關係對受訪者兩性交往與婚姻觀念有先入為主的限制與潛移默化的影響。 二、與父親互動關係對其兩性交往與婚姻觀念有潛移默化的影響。 三、與母親互動關係對其兩性交往與婚姻觀念有潛移默化的影響。 四、個人屬靈生活經驗對其兩性交往與婚姻觀念有直接影響。 五、團體教會生活經驗對其兩性交往與婚姻觀念有直接影響。 本研究並針對研究結果向為人父母者、教會中的適婚者、教會中的輔導者、學校與社會教育工作者提出具體建議和期許;最後,立足本研究的基礎,展望未來研究的方向。
The qualitative approach was applied to this thesis. Two men and two women of the local church who were suitable to get married were chosen as the interviewees. Their conditions were fit in with even distribution about their personal backgrounds, such as their involvement with the church and their parents' backgrounds, etc. This research carried out twice interviews for each interviewee separately. The contents of the first interview were divided into three themes: “my experiences of church lives,” “my parental family experience,” and “my perception to marriage.” The contents of the second interview were divided into two themes: “my associations with the other gender” and “advanced discussion on their perception of marriage.” The mainly discoveries for this research are presented as followings: First, sensations of the interactions between parents have restrictions on the first impression and imperceptible influences on interviewees’ associations with the other gender and perception to marriage. Second, the interactions with father have imperceptible influences on interviewees’ associations with the other gender and perception to marriage. Third, the interactions with mother have imperceptible influences on interviewees’ associations with the other gender and perception to marriage. Fourth, the experiences of individual spiritual lives have direct influence on interviewees’ associations with the other gender and perception to marriage. Fifth, the experiences of group church lives have direct influences on interviewees’ associations with the other gender and perception to marriage. Based on the findings, this research also gives concrete suggestions and expectations to parents, people who are suitable to get married, counselors in churches, school and society education workers. Finally, based on the foundation of this research, the author looks forward to giving directions for future study.



原生家庭經驗, 教會生活經驗, 兩性交往, 婚姻觀念, the parental family experience, the experiences of group church lives, the associations with the other gender, the perception to marriage

