

本研究從三位「在玩」青少女的主體觀點出發,呈現其生活世界各個面向的文化經驗,目的在於挖掘這群都市勞工階級青少女的獨特文化和生活方式,以及她們成為一個「在玩」女孩的認同形構過程。並且希望透過她們在學校裡被邊緣化的經驗,反思主流教育體制的問題,以作為未來發展勞動階級教育觀的基礎。 研究方法採取質性研究的取向,邀請三位被師長們視為「問題學生」的國二青少女,作為本研究的參與者。在資料收集方式上,我主要是採深度訪談的方法,同時佐以校外生活的參與觀察和文件資料的分析。訪談內容包括她們日常生活的各個層面,如愛情、友誼、學校、幫派、工作、家庭、休閒娛樂,以及對於未來的規劃和想像。研究期間從她們國二下學期橫跨到國三畢業。 在研究發現的部分,首先,分別呈現「在玩」青少女在家庭、街角社會、學校、愛情這四個場域,所生產的文化形式,結果歸納出她們有以下幾個主要的文化概念:崇尚霸權式陽剛氣概、以愛情作為生活重心、順服刻板的性別文化、集體追求刺激的玩樂文化、高舉反學校文化、步入早熟的人生進程、重視實務取向的知識、展現漢人中心的意識型態。接著,分析討論「在玩」青少女的認同形構過程,結果發現女孩們因為在學校得不到成就感,她們所崇尚的文化價值也一再受到抱持中產階級信念的師長所貶抑,因此她們會轉而取用她們所熟悉的階級和性別文化,建立另一種可以與主流文化相抗衡的認同形式,以肯定自己的價值。這樣的認同形式促使她們在國中畢業後,大部分選擇離開學校,進入職場,成為「新勞工階級」的一員。另一方面,她們也都清楚未來生活將面臨嚴苛的現實挑戰,為了避免落入孤身奮戰的處境,她們都打算盡快和男性形成同盟關係(同居或結婚),以共同面對經濟上的艱難處境。在這個過程中,抗拒與再製的作用同時都在發生。最後,研究者再根據她們的文化、認同和在學校所遭受的對待,提出學校教育所應省思的部分,以及未來從事反再製教育的方向。
This research, adopting the perspectives of three teenage “playgirls”, tries to represent the cultural experiences of their world. The purpose is to explore the culture and lifestyle of these urban working-class girls, and their identity formation of becoming “playgirls”. Through their marginal experiences in the school, the issue of mainstream education system is reflected and suggestions about developing critical pedagogy are proposed. The research participants are three junior high school girls, who are labeled as “bad girls” by the school faculty. Qualitative methods such as in-depth interview, observation and document analysis are employed. The interview data covers almost every aspect of their life, including dating, friendship, popular culture, school, family, work and their expectations about future. The research period spans from their eighth grade to ninth grade in junior high school. The research findings are as follows: First of all, there are some themes in “playgirls”’ culture. For example, they tend to be highly valueing hegemonic masculinity, centering their life around romance, having accelerated life course, emphasizing practical knowledge, enjoying fooling around in flocks, and having anti-school culture, biased gender culture and Han-centered ideology. Secondly, in terms of the identity formation process of the “playgirls”, it is found that when they fail in school, they may appropriate the class and gender culture inherited from home and their working-class community as raw materials to establish an alternative identity to resist their subordinate position in school. This identity pushes them to the job market right after graduation from junior high school and to get married at an early age. In the process, resistance and reproduction work together. Finally, based on these three girls’ culture, identity and experiences in school, suggestions for school education are proposed.



青少女文化, 勞工階級文化, 認同形構, 抗拒論, 勞動階級教育觀, girls’ culture, working-class culture, identity formation, resistance theory, critical pedagogy

