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本研究旨在探討校長推動高中優質化輔助方案的轉型領導經驗,並從校長領導策略中,探討校長領導中所持的核心價值「關懷倫理」,瞭解校長如何以關懷倫理價值指導其轉型領導之作為,並據以實踐之。本研究透過轉型領導及關懷倫理相關理論為基礎,採質性研究中的個案研究法,以一所正在推行高中優質化輔助方案的高中為研究個案,入校進行訪談與非參與觀察,並輔以文件分析的方式,針對校長的轉型領導與關懷倫理價值的相關問題,進行資料蒐集的工作。 綜合研究發現,本研究之結論如下: 壹、校長以身作則及認真投入與付出,樹立領導者典範,成為學生、家長認同的對象 貳、校長的授權賦能,激發學校成員工作動機並找到內在成就 參、校長啟動學校成員創新思維,實踐教育意義與價值 肆、校長關心並激發學校成員高層次需求與潛能,使學校成員願意持續投入 伍、校長肯定生命等價並願意成就他人 陸、校長的身教與不求回饋使他人認同關懷價值 柒、校長激勵鼓舞學校成員的工作意義,使學校成員感受生命價值 捌、校長的智性啟發開展出學校成員的關懷思維和實踐動力 玖、校長的個別化關懷建構學校成員間的深刻理解與尊重,開展關懷 實踐的循環動能 根據本研究之發現與結論,文末針對教育行政機關、校長、學校成員、家長及後續研究提出建議。
This study was to explore a female principal’s transformational leadership in terms of implementing the School Actualization Program for school improvement, underscored by the ethical value of caring. By this research, we come to know how this school principal who embodies caring ethics has enacted her own transformational leadership beliefs and put these into leadership practices. A case study was the primary research device. The “Hsin-chin” High School was intentionally selected to understand the relationship between caring ethics and leadership practices in the context of school improvement. Methods used for collecting data included: interviews, observations, and document analysis. The research findings were as follows: 1. The principal who set a good example and completely devoted to education can be identified by students and parents. 2. The principal’s empowerment can aspire and motivate school staff members to pursue intrinsic values of achievement. 3. The principal can inspire school staff members to think creatively, and make them try out new ideas which are aligned with educational meanings and values . 4. The principal who cares school staff members can raise their high-level expectations and develop their potential, which in turn make school members be willing to continually engage and involve in work. 5. The principal believes that every human is equal and each life deserves to be fulfilled . 6. The principal who preaches by doing and doesn’t look for rewards can make people identify with her/his caring values. 7. The principal who know how to inspire and motivate people can make school staff members find out and realize the meanings of their work and lives. 8. The principal who stimulate people intellectually can develop school members’ caring capacity and practices. 9. The principal who practices individualized consideration can nurture mutual understanding respect among school members, which can sustain their caring practices. Based upon the research results, proper suggestions have been developed that may be helpful for educational leadership practices in the future that are associated with educational administration, principal training, capacity of school staff members, parents’ involvement, and the further studies in the end of the thesis.



高中優質化輔助方案, 轉型領導, 關懷倫理, School Actualization Program, Transformational leadership, Caring ethics

