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本研究旨在從臺北市完全中學行政人員與教師變項中探討行政工作負擔的現況、兼任或不兼任行政工作的理由,並提出讓優秀人才留任行政工作的參考建議。為達上述目的,本研究以臺北市完全中學校長、主任、組長及教師為研究對象,以自編的「臺北市完全中學行政工作負擔調查問卷」為研究工具。正式問卷共發出11校220份,回收有效樣本為157份,可用率71.36﹪。問卷回收之後,以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、事後多重比較等統計方法進行資料分析,再就研究結果分別討論。 綜合文獻探討及調查研究結果之結論如下: 一、完全中學行政工作負擔沈重。 二、校長與主任比組長生活過得較有目標。 三、在兼任完全中學行政工作意願上,教師與組長的意願較低。 四、教師與組長可以因人情請託而接任行政。 五、願意兼任行政工作的理由,和自我成長因素較為相關。 六、外在激勵因素對教師接任行政工作比對組長接任行政工作有效。 七、不願意兼任行政工作的理由,主要是工作時間長、壓力大、缺乏支持、文書作業繁複、受他人負面影響,且付出與報酬不成比例。 八、行政人員需要有實質上的回報與精神上的鼓勵。 九、讓優秀人才能繼續留在行政工作崗位之最重要因素是「教師體會行政人員辛苦」,「學校經營氣氛溫馨」之因素次高,再其次為「領導者有魅力」。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the educational administrators and the teachers' point of views on the current workload of administrative teachers, the reasons for being or not being a administrative teacher, and to construct proposals to improve administrative teachers willingness to continue administrative work. In order to achieve the goals stated above, this research targeted on the principals, deans, team leaders and the teachers of complete schools of Taipei city and evaluated their viewpoints using a own designed "Questionnaire for Investigation of Workload of Administrative Teachers in Complete Schools of Taipei City" as the tool. There were total of a 220 questionnaires sent out to relevant subjects in 11schools and we got a valid return of 157 copies. The effective recovery rate was 71.36﹪. After the completed questionnaires were collected, statistics methods, such as descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, and multiple comparisons if indicated, were used to analyze the research data. Conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. Current complete school administrators have a heavy workload. 2. Principles and deans have more goals than team leaders. 3. For administrators of complete schools, the willingness of teachers and team leaders is low. 4. The teachers doing administrative work do so as a personal favor. 5. The reason people do administrative homework is for personal growth. 6. External incentives are more effective at motivating teachers to do administrative work than team leaders. 7. For teachers who do not do administrative work, it is because the long hours, the stress, lack of support, repetitive paper work, the negative influence of others, lack of respect and insufficient salary for the amount of work involved. 8.The educational administrators need a sufficient salary and emotional encouragement. 9. In order to have talented personnel continue doing administrative work, the most important things are: First, teachers'ability to empathize with the hardships of administers. Second, a heartwarming school atmosphere. And third, charismatic leadership.



完全中學, 工作負擔, 行政組織編制, Complete School, Workload, Administrative System

