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近年來因為各項教育改革,對於教師專業的要求越來越高,也漸趨重視,國家更透過各種教師專業成長計劃的實施,希望提升教師專業能力,進而提高學生學習成效。然而,一位教師的專業社會化歷程是從個人信念、社會結構與學校文化等各方面交織而形成,因此歷程的轉變都不盡相同。 目前台灣的國小教育現場當中,有著數量龐大的代理教師族群,在學校內其工作與正式教師並無不同,但因為身分認同上的差異,常會被貼上不專業的標籤,那麼代理教師專業社會化歷程將會如何進行呢?本研究將以敘事研究進行探討,透過深度訪談兩位代理教師,描繪出其個人專業成長故事,進而重現與還原他們的專業社會化之歷程,並利用教育社會學中的微觀互動論深入討論此歷程對於他們教師路上的影響。 由兩位國小代理教師的故事中可以發現,其教育信念、師生互動、親師溝通與人際互動等方面,都會受到個人、學校與社會的影響。根據資料分析與討論,歸納出以下結論: 一、代理教師對個人專業具有正向認同。 二、代理教師經常面臨專業認同的歧異。 三、代理教師在正負拉力之間尋求專業成長。 四、結構下的枷鎖─找不到認同感的代理教師。
In recent years, because of the education reforms, professional requirements for teachers increasingly high and important. And through the implementation of a variety of teacher professional growth plans, hoping to enhance teachers' professional capacity, and to improve student learning. A teacher’s professional socialization formed from personal beliefs, social structure and school culture, thus the process changing are different. Taiwan’s elementary schools have many elementary school long-term substitute teachers, their work are same with the official teachers, however, because of identity difference, they are always labeled as unprofessional. And how the school long-term substitute teacher’s professional socialization happens? The research will use narrative research and in-depth interviewing two elementary school long-term substitute teachers, depicting their personal professional growth story, reappear and reduction their professional socialization. And use of symbolic interactionism deep discuss the influence of the process for their ways of being a teacher. We see two elementary school long-term substitute teachers’ story can know, their personal beliefs in education, interactions with students, communication with parents and connect with people all under the impact of individual, school and society. According to the analysis and discussion, the following conclusions are drawn: 1. Long-term substitute teachers have positive identity on their personal profession. 2. Long-term substitute teachers usually face the challenge on their professional identity. 3. Long-term substitute teachers find their professional growth between positive and negative factors. 4. Long-term substitute teachers can’t find their identity in the structure.



代理教師, 專業社會化, 專業認同, long-term substitute teachers, professional socialization, professional identity

