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  本研究目的,旨在瞭解學生學習參與的情形,希望能瞭解學生在教師運用電子白板融入英語教學時,學生學習參與的情形與感受。   本研究採取個案研究之方式進行,研究者以七年級任教班的二十五位學生為研究對象,透過 Gary D. Borich ( 2014 )所提出的教室觀察面向,以觀察紀錄、錄影、學生問卷、訪談及教師省思札記等質性資料的收集,並輔以學生學習感受問卷量表之量化統計方式,進行為期十四週之研究。   研究者在教學實施後,發現學生的參與度提高,學生也給與正面回饋,而學生也學會尊重個別差異。教師透過這些成效,能省思運用互動式電子白板的方式,以作為未來調整自我教學的參考。最後,根據研究結果與發現,本研究所提出之建議可做為未來教師進行電子白板融入英語教學及相關研究的參考。並且建議未來教師可先觀察學生的需求,善用電子白板的優勢,進行課程設計與發展多元的教學活動。
This study was to serve the purpose of investigating student engagement in English classes with the integration of an interactive whiteboard (IWB), in order to understand students’ perceptions and feelings. There were 25 7th-grade junior high school students participating in the study. Borich’s classroom observation lenses were adopted as the research framework for 14-week data collection, which included classroom recordings, classroom observation, interviews, questionnaires, teaching journals and student feedback. The results indicated for example, the students’ learning interest and the participation of student increased when they had an IWB in English classes, and it turned out the students became positive for English learning. Students can aslo respect individual differences. And the teacher had reflective practice throughout the usage process of IWB. Finally, the suggestions of how to integrate IWB into English classes were provided for teachers and researchers in the field. It is hoped that the findings can help teachers gain more understanding of their students’ needs and on how to make good use of IWB.



互動式電子白板, 學生參與, 教室觀察, 個別差異, 學生學習興趣, interactive whiteboard, student engagement, classroom observation, individual differences, students’ learning interest

