老師,您哪『位』?- 國中非考科教師專業認同之探究

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老師,您哪『位』?- 國中非考科教師專業認同之探究 摘 要 教師的專業認同是教師對自己教師角色專業的整體看法,是對自己教職意義的再建構,是將主體置於在一個大的教育環境之下,涵蓋國家教育政策、社會認知與理解、學校的行政、課程結構…等因素與教師在不同角色流轉,加入自我思想行動,建構意識及認同,產生教育實踐下的歷程。 本研究想了解的是:非考科教師在結構性的環境、制度底下,如何激起實踐行動?本研究以敘事探究取徑,邀請了五位國中非考科男女教師(含研究者),教學年資大於10年的非初任教師,一面揭露主體本身真實的樣貌,一面清楚呈現個人實際的生命歷程。希望將這些有意義的事件與實踐故事透過陳述,組合成一個與非考科教師專業認同建構相關的探索行動。 透過了敘事探究的反思性:被理解與被統整,發現非考科教師的專業認同過程複雜且動態,這些事件的「流動性」及其附載的「意義」呈現了非考科教師對其工作內容及專業角色內化的認知、體現、反思、行為轉化的積極態度更呈現了其所採取的教育實踐途徑。透過與非考科教師對話,也發現了專業認同過程中不單僅有影響認同的緊張關係,教師亦提供了認同過程中鬆綁的關鍵條件,看到非考科教師不受結構限制且專業發展,豐富的蘊含更是非考科教師們能動的展現。
Teacher professionalism,teacher identity: how should I see myself ? Abstract Teacher professional identity is a conception of self as teacher. A professional mien of a teacher was put on his educational practice processes in which identity was shaped, changed and reshaped. It was caused by educational system, education policy, social awareness and understanding, school administration organization, course structure, different role in school, etc. I want to discuss about professional identity of teachers who teach subjects that aren’t examed in educational tests. How do non-academic subject teachers develop their educational practice in a strong structural system? However, non-academic subject teachers’ agency is established by current structural system. To answer these questions, a narrative inquiry was conducted by intensive interviewing five non-academic subject teachers in junior high (including the researcher) who have taught more than ten years. I want to provide a study through their important events and stories about their teaching life. After data collection, the researcher found that it’s very complex. At the end of the data collection, case studies of each of five non-academic subject teachers were constructed and analyses. Abundant data were collected from narratives described their stories as a teacher, and it showed the important meaning to be a professional teacher. This study interpreted the developing of professional identity in a reflexive way.



非考科教師, 專業認同, 身分認同, Non- academic subject teachers, professional identity, identity recognition

