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本研究主要目的是探討我國高級職業學校教育理論基礎,高職教育演進與發展的社會、經濟背景,現況、未來發展方向、轉型及相關問題進行實徵性之研究,根據研究結論提出建議,作為我國主管教育行政機關與高職學校之參考。 為達上述目的,本研究兼採文獻分析,問卷調查、訪談等研究方法。首先,蒐集有關文獻資料,從教育學、哲學、社會學、經濟學、心理學、政治學觀點探討高職教育的理論基礎。其次,透過文獻分析作為調查與訪談研究的基礎,再編製「我國高級職業學校教育發展及其問題調查問卷」,進行調查研究;另編製訪談大綱,進行訪談,以了解我國高級職業學校教育發展及其問題相關意見。調查對象包括教育行政人員、學校校長、學校行政人員、教師共計1095人,回收有效問卷788份,佔71.9%。訪談對象包括學者專家、教育行政人員、學校校長、企業代表計12人。本研究亦探討英國、美國、德國、法國、日本、澳大利亞六個主要國家高職教育政策制度發展趨勢及其對我國之啟示。最後根據文獻探討,學理基礎、世界各國發展趨勢,問卷調查和訪談結果,作成結論,並提出建議。 依據文獻探討,高職教育理論基礎、世界主要國家職業教育發展趨勢,經由問卷調查和訪談結果,歸納出以下結論: 一、高職教育應同時兼顧學生升學與就業目標 二、高職教育不再是終結教育,必須發揮其終身教育功能 三、重視弱勢族群學生職教育機會均等 四、後期中等教育:高職教育、綜合高中與普通高中的分流與融合 五、高職教育將朝向精緻化發展 六、高職教育強化社區服務,落實學校與業界夥伴關係的產學合作 七、落實多元入學方式制度及其教育功能 八、高級職業學校教育有其整體性、地區性與分殊性 九、高職教育學校運作更趨自主性與自我管理之自律能力 十、高職教育未來發展更具重要性與競爭力 最後,本研究根據研究發現與結論,分別就教育行政單位與高職學校兩方面,對我國高職教育發展提出具體改進建議及未來後續研究方向。
The main purpose of this study is to explore the background, current conditions, transformation, future trend of development, and questions of vocational high school in Taiwan. Suggestions will be offered based upon the research findings. This study uses literature analysis, questionnaires, and interviews. First, I analyze related issues of vocational high school from educational, philosophical, sociological, economical, psychological, and political perspectives. In addition, I study trends and experiences of vocational high school development in foreign countries and its implications on Taiwan, including Great Britain, the United States, Germany, France, Japan, and Australia. The literature review provides me with a conceptual framework for my research. Second, a “Questionnaire for Development and Problems of Vocational High School” was created to understand viewpoints of educational administrators, school principals, school administrators, and teachers. Out of 1095 surveys, 788 valid questionnaires were received. A response rate is 71.9%. Third, 12 interviews were conducted to gather a deeper understanding of issues associated with vocational high school development. Interviewees include scholars, industry representatives, and principals of vocational high school. According to the analyses of literature review, questionnaires, and interviews, I conclude 10 findings as follows: 1. Vocational high school education should put the same emphasis both on students’ academic advancement and career placement. 2. Vocational high school education needs to function as the lifelong education instead of termination. 3. Vocational high school education should emphasize educational opportunity for minority students. 4.The post-secondary education should emphasize the tracking and integration of vocational high school education, comprehensive high school, and senior high school. 5. Vocational high school should attain quality education. 6. Vocational high school education must emphasize community service, and cooperation between the academy and industry. 7. The entrance examination system of vocational high school should be more diversified. 8. The characteristics of vocational high school education should include wholeness, regionalism, and individuality. 9. The mechanism of vocational high school should be more autonomous and self-regulating. 10. The future of vocational high school should be more important and competitive. This study is concluded by providing suggestions to educators regarding policy making and implementation associated with vocational high school development. Further research is also suggested to broaden an understanding of related issues.



高級職業學校, 職業教育, 高職學校轉型, 回流教育, 終身學習, vocational high school, vocational education, transforming vocational high school, recurrent education, lifelong learning

