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本研究的主要目的有三:首先,是以學校組織作背景,探究國中教師面對校本課程革新的認同感;其次,實地探討校本課程革新的創新教學計畫中,教師的角色效能與組織效能;最後,探討課程革新中的教師專業成長。 本研究除採單組前後測前實驗設計外,資料的蒐集兼採問卷調查、訪談等方法,進行「多元智能、創新教學」的教學實驗研究。在教學實驗方面,以臺北市立一所國中任教七年級的老師為對象,共有三十六名教師參與實驗。本研究之工具有二類:問卷方面採用「學校課程創新與我」問卷(測教師的認同感)、「我在學校課程創新中的角色」問卷(測教師的角色效能)及「學校組織與課程創新」問卷(測學校的組織效能);此外,尚有教師專業成長的自我評量表。 實驗全程一年,根據問卷調查(量化分析)及深度訪談(質性分析),實驗結果歸納如下: 一、在認同感方面,教師對於創新教學的意義、重要性及相關配合的措施(例如:團隊合作、主題統整、多元評量及結合生活經驗等),有普遍認知及肯定;但同時也因為擔心影響到智育成績及教學的進度,而有若干的疑慮。 二、在此項課程革新實驗中,教師的角色效能獲得肯定,其中以協助性、統整性、連結性及主動性等四項角色最為明顯;尤其是,經過創新教學實驗之後,教師的主動性顯著提高了。 三、學校在課程革新中的組織效能,整體及分項目之組織效能都甚佳,在七個分項目中以同事關係和諧融洽最為突顯,有助於推動教學創新。 四、教師在校本課程革新中的專業知能有正向的成長。其中特別顯著的是:樂意與別人共同討論、接納並欣賞不同的看法、樂於分享自己的想法、樂意嘗試新的教法、喜歡想像、能以變通的方法解決問題、喜歡學生發問等。 最後,本研究就實施「多元智能、創新教學」之「有利的情境」與「面臨的問題」進行檢討,並針對以下幾方面提出建議:對教師專業發展的建議、對學校行政革新的建議、對教育行政革新的建議、對未來研究的建議。 關鍵詞:多元智能、創新教學、課程革新、認同感、角色效能、組織效能
The purposes of this study were three-fold: to explore teacher’s identification to the school-based curriculum innovation in junior high school settings, to investigate teacher’s efficacy and organizational efficacy, and to search for teacher’s professional growth in such a situation. A pre- and post-test single group pre-experimental design was adopted in this study in a junior high school in Taipei city. Thirty-six teachers participated in the study. The innovation focused on “multiple intelligences and creative teaching”. By means of questionnaire survey, field observation, and in-depth interview, data were collected. Three questionnaires, the “School Curriculum Innovation and I”, the “My Role in the School Curriculum Innovation”, and the “School organization and Curriculum Innovation” were developed for measuring teacher’s identification, teacher’s role efficacy, and organizational efficacy, respectively. In addition, the self-designed “Teacher’s Professional Growth Scale” was used to appraise teacher’s professional growth. After a one-year experiment, It was found: (1) In terms of identification, teachers showed good understanding of and positive attitude toward curriculum innovation and related strategies. However, many teachers somehow worried about it’s influence on student’s examination scores and teacher’s working schedule; (2) In terms of role efficacy, there was a significant effect on teacher’s initiation, it was also positive with respect to the dimensions of assistance, integration, and connection; (3) In terms of organizational efficacy, it showed a positive effect on school functioning, the harmonic peer-colleagues’ relationship, in particular; (4) In terms of professional growth, it also showed positive results that teachers were more willing to discuss with peer-colleagues, to accept and appreciate different ideas, to share his/her own thoughts, to try new ways of teaching, and more likely to imagine, more able to solve problems with flexibility, and more encouraging students to ask questions. Based on the research findings and a thorough review on the advantageous situations and the confronting problems with respect to curriculum innovation, the researcher suggests to the teacher, the school administration, and the educational administration some ways of implementing “multiple intelligences and creative teaching” in the schools in the future. Issues and topics related to the study on curriculum innovation are also discussed lastly. Key words: multiple intelligences, creative teaching, curriculum innovation, identification, role efficacy, organizational efficacy



多元智能, 創新教學, 課程革新, 認同感, 角色效能, 組織效能

