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「能力」一詞在當前各類教育政策或措施中,為一常被提及的重要概念,然而過去的研究多以心理學角度探究能力的應用層面,缺少社會學的觀點,對於教師為何形塑其對於學生能力的信念缺乏解釋。本研究乃由社會建構角度探究教師的能力觀,及影響此能力觀形塑的因素。主要目的有三: 一、瞭解教師所抱持之能力觀。 二、探討影響教師能力觀形塑之因素。 三、分析教師能力觀在教學及學生學習上的關聯。 為達上述之研究目的,本研究採取質性研究,選擇兩位任教於不同國中的教師為研究對象,以訪談及觀察研究方法,並蒐集相關文件。就研究結果與討論,歸納以下之結論: 一、教師能力觀的基本架構有兩個組成部分:先天的資質以及後天可發揮的空間,兩者交織呈顯於外的成果即為能力。 二、教師的能力觀中,能力具有可改變與多面向兩大特性。 三、學業能力是教師能力觀中最重要的一項能力。 四、教師的能力觀中,性別因素與能力表現具有一定程度的關聯性 五、教師的能力觀中,隱含著階級的差異。 六、教師的能力觀為一社會建構的概念,其中以教學現場的經驗影響最大。 七、教師能力觀引導教師在教學現場的教育實踐,而不同環境脈絡中的教師則會形塑出不同的能力觀,進而對學生的學習產生不同的影響。 最後,根據研究結果與研究過程中所遇到的限制與困難,對未來相關研究提出若干建議與可行的方向。
This study enquires into the beliefs and perspectives of teachers concerning students’ abilities in Taiwan, from the point of view of social construction. The main purposes of the study include: 1. Exploring the beliefs and perspectives of teachers concerning students’ abilities. 2. Analyzing the factors that affect the construction of teachers’ beliefs and perspectives concerning students’ abilities. 3. Investigating the relationship between students' learning and teachers’ beliefs and perspectives concerning students’ abilities. The subjects are two English teachers from different junior high schools. Based on data collected through participant observations, in-depth interview and related document analysis, the major findings are as follows: 1. The framework of teachers’ beliefs and perspectives concerning students’ abilities has two basic parts: intelligence and efforts. The two parts interweave into ability. 2. Ability is found to have two characteristics: changeability and multidimensionality in the beliefs and perspectives of teachers concerning students’ abilities, 3. Ability with respect to school work achievement is the most important one in the beliefs and perspectives of teachers concerning students’ abilities. 4. There is some relationship between gender and ability in the beliefs and perspectives of teachers concerning students’ abilities. 5. The beliefs and perspectives of teachers concerning students’ abilities imply a class distinction. 6. The beliefs and perspectives of teachers concerning students’ abilities are socially constructed, and teachers' experiences regarding schools and students are the main factors. 7. The beliefs and perspectives of teachers concerning students’ abilities guide the educational practices of teachers. Teachers in different contexts form different beliefs and perspectives concerning students’ abilities, and the different beliefs and perspectives concerning students’ abilities have different influences on students' learning.



教師能力觀, 能力, 社會建構, teacher beliefs, students’ abilities, social construction

