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本研究以某大學畢業校友共397人作為量化分析樣本,探討大學生課外學習經驗與其畢業後生活適應之關係,並輔以質化訪談以瞭解課外學習經驗如何影響畢業後生活適應。 本研究主要之目的有:一、探究不同背景大學畢業校友在大學時期課外學習經驗之差異;二、探究不同背景大學畢業校友目前生活適應情形之差異;三、探究大學畢業校友在大學時期之課外學習經驗與目前生活適應情形之相關性;四、探究大學畢業校友在大學時期之課外學習經驗對其目前生活適應的預測情形;五、瞭解大學畢業校友在大學時期課外學習經驗影響畢業後生活適應之可能原因;六、藉由本研究之成果對我國高等教育機構及學生事務單位提出有助於學生畢業後生活適應之具體可行建議。 透過相關理論檢視與相關研究之回顧,本研究將課外學習經驗區分為「課外學習環境知覺」,包括物質環境知覺、社會環境知覺以及制度環境知覺;以及「課外學習投入領域」,包括師生互動、學生社團、公共事務、宿舍生活以及學校活動方案。本研究對生活適應之測量,將以自編之「生活適應量表」作為工具,並將生活適應區分為「工作適應」、「家庭適應」、「人際適應」、「經濟適應」、「健康適應」、「休閒適應」等六個分量。 本研究使用描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析、階層迴歸等統計方法進行資料處理分析,另透過關鍵個案訪談以瞭解各種課外學習經驗影響畢業後各面向生活適應之可能原因。 本研究之主要發現如下:一、不同背景之畢業校友在大學時期對各種課外學習環境的知覺,皆無差異;二、不同背景之畢業校友在大學時期對各種課外學習領域的投入,大部分無差異;三、不同背景之畢業校友,目前生活適應情形大部分無差異;四、不同生活現況之畢業校友,目前生活適應部分有差異;五、大學畢業校友在大學時期對各種課外學習環境的知覺,與目前生活適應呈現非常顯著的低度正相關;六、大學畢業校友在大學時期對各種課外學習領域的投入,與目前生活適應呈現顯著以上的中低度正相關;七、整體而言,「課外學習環境知覺」與「課外學習領域投入」對「生活適應」的影響,比「背景變項」的影響大;八、大學畢業校友在大學時期之課外學習經驗能預測目前的生活適應,且各項「課外學習環境知覺」與「課外學習領域投入」皆有其可預測的生活適應面向。
Using 397 alumni who graduated from various universities as the sample of quantitative analysis, this research explores the relationship between college students' extracurricular learning experience and their life adaptation after graduation. It also adopts qualitative interviews to understand how extracurricular learning experience influences their life adaptation after graduation. The major objectives of the research are as follows: 1. to explore the differences of the extracurricular learning experiences of college alumni from different backgrounds; 2. to explore the differences of current life adaptation of college alumni from different backgrounds; 3. to explore the relationship between college alumni's extracurricular learning experience during college and their current life adaptation; 4. to explore the predictive circumstances of college alumni's current life adaptation affected by their extracurricular learning experience during college; 5. to comprehend possible reasons of why college alumni's current life adaptation is affected by their extracurricular learning experience during college; 6. to raise specific and feasible suggestions of students' life adaptation after graduation, according to the research results, for higher education institutions and student affairs departments. Through the study of theoretical framework and literature review, this research divides the extracurricular learning area into 2 aspects: "Environmental Perception of Extracurricular Learning," including material environmental perception, social environmental perception, and systematic environmental perception; and "Extracurricular Involvement in the Learning Field," including teacher-student interaction, student clubs, public affairs, dormitory life, and campus activity proposals. For the measurement of life adaptation, this research applies a self-made "Life Adaptation Scale" as a tool, dividing the life adaptation area into 6 components: job adaptation, family adaptation, interpersonal adaptation, economic adaptation, health adaptation, and leisure adaptation. The research practices data analysis by means of descriptive statistics, independent sample T-test, one-way analysis of variance, correlation analysis, hierarchical regression, and other statistics methods. In addition, it depends on interviews of key cases to understand possible reasons of various dimensional life adaptation after graduation, influenced by extracurricular learning experiences. The major discoveries of this research are summarized as follows: 1. There is no difference of environmental perception of extracurricular learning among all alumni from different backgrounds during college. 2. There is no difference of extracurricular involvement in learning field among most alumni from different backgrounds during college. 3. There is no difference of current life adaptation of most alumni from different backgrounds. 4. There are several differences of current life adaptation of alumni from different current life situations. 5. There is obvious low positive correlation between the college alumni's environmental perceptions of extracurricular learning during college and their current life adaptation. 6. There is over-obvious moderate to low positive correlation between extracurricular involvement in the learning field and their current life adaptation. 7. On the whole, "Environmental Perception of Extracurricular Learning" and "Extracurricular Involvement in the Learning Field" have a greater influence on "Life Adaptation" than the factor "Background Variances" does. 8. The college alumni's extracurricular learning experience during college can be applied to the prediction of their current life adaptation. Furthermore, each component of "Environmental Perception of Extracurricular Learning" and that of "Extracurricular Involvement in the Learning Field" can predict certain dimensions of life adaptation.



課外學習, 生活適應, 環境知覺, 課外投入, Extracurricular Learning, Life Adaptation, Environmental Perception, Extracurricular Involvement

