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論文摘要 現今社會隨著時代的變遷與科技的進步,早已由過去的威權管理模式邁向民主多元開放,但是學校這樣一個領域,就像是「潘多拉的盒子」,每天都上演著無數的驚奇,我們必須體認在談教師的專業自主與家長參與權的同時,不應忘記學生的學習權,他應該是整個學校教育的重心,應以學生的學習為出發點,讓每個學生受到應有的尊重。而這些尊重如想發揮效果,就須建立新的校園倫理,去檢討以往的傳統倫理觀念,思考注入以人性尊嚴尊重的觀念。基此,應承認學生的憲法主體地位,校園內的權利的行使,也就是說需要建立「人身自由權」的觀念。是以,本研究旨在探討國中生校園人身自由權保障,並以行政措施(教務、訓導、輔導、總務)檢核表為出發點。全文共分為五章,各章內容如下: 第一章為「緒論」,包括研究背景與動機、研究目的與待答問題、研究架構與章節安排等,並點出問題所在,以及建構本論文架構。。 第二章「文獻探討」,旨在探討人身自由權的起源、概念、保障理由,以及國內外相關的法律規定與我國大法官解釋及實務見解。藉以分析歸納人身自由權保護之原理原則,並從中初探校園人身自由權問題,以進一步地建構初步校園人身自由權保障檢核表。 第三章「研究設計與實施」,包括研究步驟、研究對象、研究倫理以及所使用之研究工具、詳細的研究實施流程,以及最後資料處理的方式計畫。 第四章「人身自由權保障與校園行政措施」,乃係藉由問卷調查與焦點訪談所得資料,整理出校園人身自由權與學生權利的現況。以了解校園對於人身自由權保障的看法、「建構校園人身自由權檢核表」之實際歷程與「建構校園人身自由權檢核表」之成效評估。 第五章「結論與建議」則係就研究結果做成結論與建議,並對該項經驗發展模式以及後續研究提出具體建議。
Research on the Protections of Student’s rights to Physical Liberty in Taipei’s Junior High School─ starting with a checklist of Campus Administrative Measures Hung-Chuan Lai Abstract Nowadays school education (including management) has been transformed from the teacher-centered and authoritarian towards the student centered and democratic along with the progressive change of society and technology. Nevertheless, the conflicts of teacher’s power and student’s rights are constantly seen in campus, and need to be addressed in balance, to the effect that a good environment for student’s learning can be sustained. Three essential actions should be taken: firstly to reformulate the ideal relations between students and teachers, secondly to infuse the idea of human dignity of all into school management, and finally to set up a new standard of campus morality. Therefore, the right to physical liberty has to be introduced into the campus. The study aims to research on the protection of students’ rights to physical liberty in the campus of junior high schools in Taipei, and it will formulate a checklist of administrative measures in terms of students’ right to physical liberty. Five chapters are concluded in this study: First, ‘the Introduction’ indicates the background and purpose of the study, research questions, and the structure of the study. Second, ‘the Literature Review’ provides an inner view of the origin and concept of a right to physical liberty, in legal terms including both Taiwanese and some foreign laws, according to which a checklist of campus administrative measures can be formulated. Third, ‘the research method’ consists of a detailed account of the research procedures, instruments, database analysis and so on. Fourth, ‘the finding’ of the research is to give a picture of the right to physical liberty in junior high school campus in Taipei. Finally, ‘the conclusions and suggestions’ based on the results of chapter four are offered for the future development and research.



人身自由, 學生權利, physical liberty, student rights

