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本研究旨在探討替代性教學策略落實於國中公民科多元文化教育之可行性,期望於過程中能分析其教學效果,以及該課程對學生多元文化觀點之影響,以落實國中多元文化教育。藉由文獻探討,從多元文化教育本身的理論基礎、我國多元文化教育的課程與教學、以及案例教學法與議題中心教學法兩種替代性教學策略,將其連結於多元文化教育的實施,以取得本研究立論依據。 本研究採行動研究取徑,以研究者任教的臺北市某國中七、八、九年級班級為研究場域,將研究目的設定為設計適合國中公民課程多元文化教育之替代性教學策略、分析多元文化替代性教學策略實施的問題與修正歷程、暸解學生對多元文化替代性教學單元的學習經驗與評價等三項。 本研究聚焦於族群與性別兩大主題進行教學設計。研究工具除了兩種主題的教案之外,尚有學生回饋問卷、學習單、訪談紀錄、協同研究者教室觀察記錄與教師省思日誌等質性研究工具,以及量化的學生回饋問卷,以使研究結果更具信實性。 根據質量資料的分析,發現替代性教學策略整體而論可提高學生學習動機,並且使學習成效更加深入;而多元文化教育中強調理性尊重、接納差異、以及培養批判思考與社會行動之能力,透過替代性教學策略課程的實踐,皆能有效提升;學生與教師自我對於多元文化議題的覺察,也在本次歷程中逐漸萌芽。本研究最後依據研究結果提出研究建議,以做為教師應用替代性教學策略於多元文化教育之參考。
This research aims to explore the possibility of implementing multicultural alternative teaching strategies in the Civics subject in a junior high school. By analyzing and examining the teaching practices, it is expected to enable a comprehensive understanding of how the curriculum affects junior high school students on the way they perceive cultural diversity, so as to better implement multicultural education at junior high school level. In this research, the researcher reviews and examines the related literature, including the theoretical basis of multicultural education, the curriculum and instruction of multicultural education in Taiwan, the case method teaching approach and the issue-centered approach of alternative teaching strategies, to build on the rationale of this study. This research is conducted by means of action research. The field of this study is the social studies classes taught by the researcher. The research purposes are: designing appropriate alternative teaching strategies for junior high school multicultural education, analyzing the problem and issue of implementing these teaching strategies, as well as understanding the students’ learning experiences and their evaluation of the alternative teaching strategies. This research focuses on the topics of race and gender in order to do the teaching design. In addition to two lesson plans, students’ worksheets, interview records, class observation records and the teacher’s reflective journal are used as qualitative data collection instructions, while students’feedback questionnaires as the quantitative data collection instruction. The above multiple research instruments were designed to ensure the trustworthiness of this study. Based upon the analysis of the qualitative and quantitative data, the researcher finds that alternative teaching strategies can better motivate students to learn and increase the effectiveness of the lessons. Students’ capabilities of showing rational respect, accepting diversity, promoting reflective thinking, and carrying out social actions, which are emphasized in multicultural education, improve significantly through the implementation of alternative teaching strategies. Also, both the students and the teacher become more aware of multicultural issues during this research. Finally, this study also provides feasible suggestions to teachers who might be interested in applying alterantive teaching strategies to multicultural education.



多元文化教育, 替代性教學策略, 案例教學法, 議題中心教學法, 行動研究, Multicultural education, alterative teaching strategies, case method teaching, the issues-centered approach, action research

