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本研究目的在於探究體驗教育課程對大學社團幹部人際能力之發展歷程,其影響之重要因素為何。針對十五名大學社團幹部,透過平面式體驗教育課程方案實施,採質性研究取向透過半結構的深度訪談、協同研究者及觀察員的觀察紀錄等歸納分析,輔以人際能力量表,提出人際能力各構面之發展歷程,以及體驗教育影響之重要因素,本研究發現如下: 一、大學社團幹部在實施體驗教育課程方案後,人際能力整體及各構面平均分數皆有所提升,呈現正向成長的趨勢。 二、根據研究歸納產出人際能力四項構面:「負向決斷」、「情緒支持」、「主動/表露」、「衝突處理」之發展歷程,並歸納產生人際能力各構面之發展歷程概念圖。 三、體驗教育影響大學社團幹部人際能力之重要因素共歸類分為四大類別:「團體關係及互動型態」:成員熟悉度、支持且舒服自在的氛圍、反饋、團體分享及討論、多元觀點的共同學習、團體人數;「引導員特質及能力」:帶領風格及特質、引導提問技巧;「參與者狀態」:課前動機、成員的過往經驗;「課程活動要素及型態」:衝突產生的失衡感、失能、活動隱喻、共同目標訂定、情緒字眼的教學、反思歷程的教學、分享類型的活動、做中學的課程型態。 本研究歸納產出體驗教育針對大學社團幹部人際能力各構面之發展歷程,並且進一步豐富了過往研究所提之體驗教育影響因素,提供往後課程設計及帶領之依循。並進一步提出後續研究建議、課程方案設計帶領之方向,以及研究者在研究過程中之反思。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of experiential education courses on interpersonal competence of college club officers and the factors which influence interpersonal competence. The study consisted of 15 college club officers as participants in experiential education courses. The method to carry out this study was using qualitative research as well as statistical analysis of testing scales. The data was collected by the interview, combined with the outline of semi-structured interviews, observation, sound-recording and Interpersonal Competence Questionnaire (ICQ).Based on the data analysis, the results were as following: 1. After experiential education courses on interpersonal competence of college club officers, the average score of competence and four dimensions increased. The result presents an advancing trend. 2. According to research, the development of interpersonal competence (four dimensions: negative assertion, emotional support, initiation/self disclosure and conflict management) and the concept map are induced. 3. The factors which influence interpersonal competence include (1) group: participant familiarity, comfortable atmosphere, feedback and number of groups (2) facilitator: leading traits and facilitate skills (3) participant: motivation and past experience (4) courses: unbalanced state from conflict, disability, metaphor, common goal setting, education emotional words, education reflection, sharing type activity, group sharing, learning multiple perspective and learning by doing. On the basis of the findings of this study, the following suggestions for both researchers and practitioners concerned with experiential education courses on interpersonal competence were suggested. Finally, researcher has some reflection on planning, implement, data collection, and analysis.



體驗教育, 人際能力, 大學社團幹部, experiential education, interpersonal competence, college club officers

