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本研究旨在探討雙北市國中兼學務行政教師工作壓力與工作倦怠之現況、不同背景變項之差異、工作壓力與工作倦怠相關情形及不同背景變項與工作壓力對工作倦怠之解釋力。有效施測樣本為134人,並以「雙北市國中兼學務行政教師工作壓力與工作倦怠問卷調查」為研究工具。 根據研究結果可以發現: 一、國中兼學務行政教師知覺的整體工作壓力為中等程度,其中以「時間管理」之工作壓力最高。 二、國中兼學務行政教師知覺的整體工作倦怠為中等程度,其中以「情緒耗竭」之工作倦怠最高。 三、不同婚姻狀況、兼學務行政年資、現任組別職務、學校所在地、學校規模之國中兼學務行政教師的工作壓力有顯著差異。 四、不同年齡、兼學務行政年資、現任組別職務、學校所在地、學校規模之國中兼學務行政教師的工作倦怠有顯著差異。 五、國中兼學務行政教師工作壓力與工作倦怠呈現高度正相關。 六、年齡、兼學務行政年資、現任組別職務、學校所在地、學校規模、工作壓力各構面對國中兼學務行政教師的工作倦怠具有解釋力。 本研究根據以上的發現結果,提出相關建議,以利教育主管機關、學校行政首長與兼學務行政教師與未來研究之參考。
The objective of this study is to examine the current status on job stress and burnout of administrative teachers of student affairs in Taipei and New Taipei City Junior High Schools, configure the difference of related demographic variables, and explore the relations between job stress and burnout. Furthermore, this study attempts to use hierarchical regression to find out Square multiple correlations. The research tool “Questionnaire of Administrative Teachers of Student Affairs’ Job Stress and Burnout. ” are adapted to find out the resolution, which total amount of 134 credible samples were retrieved. The findings are as follows: 1. The perceived job stress for administrative teachers of student affairs in Taipei and New Taipei City junior high schools is indicated as a medium level, while “Time management ” is at a severe level. 2. The perceived burnout for administrative teachers of student affairs in Taipei and New Taipei City junior high schools results as a medium level, while “Emotional exhaustion ” is at a severe level. iii 3. Each of the factors, such as “marriage”, “seniority of student affair administration”, “Service unit”, “location of schools”, “the scale of school” shows a significant influence, which differs the administrative teachers of student affairs in Taipei and New Taipei City junior high schools received job stress. 4. Each of the factors, such as “age”, “seniority of student affair administration”, “Service unit”, “location of schools”, “the scale of school” shows a significant influence, which differs the administrative teachers of student affairs in Taipei and New Taipei City junior high schools received burnout. 5. Job stress and burnout are highly related on the administrative teachers of student affairs in Taipei and New Taipei City junior high schools. 6. Each of the factors, such as “age”, “seniority of student affair administration”, “Service unit”, “location of schools”, “the scale of school”, and “job stress” shows a significant Square multiple correlations on burnout. According to the conclusions shown above, future suggestions for educational administrative institutes, school principals, student affairs administrative teachers and further research have also been provided in this study.



工作壓力, 工作倦怠, 兼學務行政教師, job stress, burnout, administrative teachers of student affairs

