

本研究旨在發展切合本土大學生蔬果攝取行為的影響因素模式。採質量結合方式,第一階段為焦點團體訪談,以質性研究結果發展假設模式及量化測量工具;第二階段為量性問卷調查,以結構方程模式檢驗假設模式的適配性。 焦點團體訪談共進行六場,質性資料分析結果,影響大學生蔬果攝取行為的因素分為個人因素影響力、人際社會影響力及物質環境影響力。量性問卷調查共回收1071份有效問卷,重要結果如下: 一、研究對象的蔬菜攝取頻率為平均2.17次/日,水果為0.94次/日。處於較高行為改變階段者,蔬果攝取頻率有較高的趨勢。 二、研究假設模式在經過修正後,整體模式與資料的適配度達可接受水準,且套用至效度樣本的嚴謹複核效度可成立。模式自變項對蔬果攝取行為的解釋力達75%,影響力最大的為蔬果可獲性,其次為蔬果攝取自我效能。 三、「蔬果攝取自我效能」在「蔬果攝取社會支持」影響「蔬果攝取行為」的關係中,具有部分中介作用。「蔬果可獲性」在「蔬果口味喜好」、「蔬果攝取自我效能」影響「蔬果攝取行為」的關係中,具有調節作用。 研究發現影響大學生蔬果攝取行為的因素為多層面影響力。本研究也針對蔬果攝取議題的未來研究提出建議。
The purpose of this research was to develop the model of factors influencing fruit and vegetable(f&v) intake behavior among college students in Taiwan. Qualitative and quantitative methods were combined in this research. In study one, focus group interviews were conducted to help develop conceptual model and quantitative measures. In study two, a questionnaire survey was used to collect the quantitative data. Structural Equation Modeling was employed for model testing and parameter estimations. Six focus group interviews were conducted. Three levels of influence were identified: intra-personal influences, inter-personal influences and physical environmental influences. The sample of questionnaire survey included 1071 students. The results were as follows: 1.The average daily vegetable/fruit consumption frequencies were 2.17/.94 times. F&V consumption was positively associated with more advanced stages of change. 2.After model modification, the proposed model was tested with two random splits of the data. Results indicated adequate fit of the model for each of the data sets. 75% of the variation in f&v intake behavior was explained by the model. The strongest correlate of f&v intake was availability, and self-efficacy next. 3.The relationship between social support and f&v intake was partially mediated by self-efficacy. Themoderating effects of availability were demonstrated. In conclusion, college students’ f&v intake is affected by multiple levels of influence. Recommendations for the future research are made as well.



蔬果攝取, 健康行為, 大學生, 焦點團體, 結構方程模式, fruit & vegetable intake, health behavior, college student, focus group, structural equation modeling

